The Darkest Knight (Guardians of Camelot #3) - Victoria Sue Page 0,6

in silent encouragement. “She…had the triquetra symbol tattooed on her throat like the girl.”

“What?” Lance blurted out. “Le Fay’s?” The Triquetra symbol had been adopted by her followers.

Kay nodded. “I never thought about it before, but so did the girl from fifty years ago. It makes no sense, but even aged, I swear she was the same person.”

“What do you mean, triquetra symbol?” Tom asked.

Gawain plucked his tablet and keyed in a few things, then showed the screen to Tom. It was a black three-cornered knot, three overlapping arcs.

“I’ve seen this before,” Tom said.

“It’s very common,” Charles interrupted. “There are a lot of Christian religions that use it, but it dates as far back as 500 BC. It has occurred in Irish, Celtic, and Norse Viking mythology. I believe it has even been seen in some ancient Japanese writings.”

“Which is why I didn’t give it a thought at the time. The chances of some young girl nearly beaten to death by her pimp and a connection to Morgan were nil.”

“I’ve seen it recently.”

“Nicholas Cage,” Mel responded promptly. “You know in National Treasure? The movie? I mean if we’re talking best Nicholas Cage movies, it has to be Gone In Sixty Seconds with Con Air a very close second. Although—” Mel stopped abruptly when he caught sight of Lance’s glare.

“No.” Tom shook his head. “Last year when Aalardin took me. He had a priest, servant, guard sort of that brought in a cage containing a dead rat to make me bring it back to life. I never thought about it at the time but that symbol”—he pointed to the tablet—“was on his robes.”

“I don’t remember any of the ones we fought in the chamber under Montefiore having any symbols like that,” Lance said. “Kay?”

Kay shook his head. “It wasn’t on her clothes though. They were barely rags.”

“Then they’re up to something,” Lance said, and Kay swallowed the sudden tightness in his throat. Lance believed him, and that was worth so much.

“And what’s more worrying,” Charles said, “is that you lowered your sword.” He gazed at Kay. “I’m assuming you were looking at the girl as you did?”

“A trap,” Lucan guessed.

“What else did you see?” Mel asked.

“When I got there, the Ursus was attacking the girl, and I raised my sword.” Kay thought about the look on her face, the way it had changed. “But as I looked, it was as if she became the Ursus. She smiled at me and opened her mouth as if she was going to speak, but all that came from her throat was the scream of the beasts. She raised a sword before I had even chance to react, and Charles appeared and cut her—cut it down.”

Lance looked at Charles. “And what did you see?”

“Just the Ursus about to strike Kay.”

“You wielded a sword,” Lucan said, and Kay could hear the question. “The only sword you used last time was Ali’s.”

Charles nodded. “It appeared in my hand as I needed it.” Kay glanced over at him, sure the question was in his eyes.

“Where have you been?” Lance asked.

“I never know,” Charles admitted. “I start each task fresh with only the knowledge I need for that task.”

Lance scowled. “So, we’re a task, now?”

Charles didn’t insult anyone by trying to argue. “I’m aware of what I did before with you, and aware of any history I need to do this task.”

“But Tom doesn’t need you,” Lucan blurted out.

Tom flushed, but Kay noticed Tom didn’t try to deny it. “So, why are you here, then?” Kay asked, convinced his voice sounded as flat and beaten down as he felt.

Charles looked at him, the knowledge stark in his brown eyes.

“Me?” Kay whispered, hope blooming in his heart like the summer sun. Charles nodded, said words that Kay simply didn’t hear over the pounding in his ears. He had come back for him. For him.

“I need to talk to you.” Charles’s words finally got through, and Mel jumped up.

“Early night for everyone, then,” he said, not bothering to hide his delight, and practically pulled Lance from the room. Gawain mumbled something about research and headed to the office. Tom stood and walked over to Charles, smiling and then impulsively giving him a hug.

“I’m so glad you’re back.”

Kay watched as Charles hugged Tom, the relief apparent on Charles’s face. Ali smiled cautiously and followed Tom and Lucan out. Charles gave an embarrassed laugh. “I need to find somewhere to sleep.”

“With me,” Kay said softly and stood, extending his arm. Charles looked stunned, Copyright 2016 - 2024