The Darkest Knight (Guardians of Camelot #3) - Victoria Sue Page 0,50

the food so Kay could help himself. “We’ll get you changed and situated after you don’t look half-starved.”

“I have a favor to ask. It’s not for me,” Kay qualified. “It was Sir Davidas’s last wish.”

Marcus nodded and gestured to a bench. Kay got some food and followed him. “He asked me to ensure his mare was returned home if something happened to him.”

“He loved his horses,” Marcus confirmed, “but the king has noticed you. It’s a great honor, and riding to his estate would take weeks.”

“I have a stable boy all ready to go, but no coin.”

Marcus shrugged and beckoned to one of the servants. He handed the servant some coins, repeated the instruction and where to find the boy and the horse, and to make sure he left in the morning. He turned back to Kay. “Satisfied?”

Kay sighed in relief, and he knew Davidas would have approved. He ate quickly as the sun set. The king was with Mordred and Arthur and a cluster of knights all drinking heavily. He knew history had said Uther was killed on the second day by a poisoned arrow, but the battle was won. He didn’t really expect assassins, but there was maybe two, three hours left of the day. No one would murder a king in the middle of a group of skilled warriors. Not even Mordred could do that.

“Ahh, the boy turned mighty warrior.”

Kay looked up straight into Mel’s—Merlin’s, he corrected himself—eyes. “My lord,” Kay acknowledged respectfully.

Merlin’s eyes twinkled. “Not quite, but I understand the sentiment.”

Merlin sat and returned the greetings of a few men, but mostly people seemed to find they had somewhere else they needed to sit or another person they needed to talk to. “Was it something I said?”

Kay chuckled. He was so like Mel, or Mel was so like him, whatever. “Maybe you should turn one of them into a toad?”

Merlin smiled. “Or a serpent, perhaps?”

Kay’s smile fell. They already had one of those in this room, and his eyes sought out Mordred instinctively. He sat in the corner looking like he was having an intense conversation with Arthur. Merlin followed his gaze. “You are troubled.”

Nerves prickled Kay’s arms. He had to be careful. He had to assume Galahad’s warning included Merlin. “I’m a little overwhelmed to be honest. Sir Davidas was kind to me.” Which was true.

Merlin dipped his head. “A great loss.”

“He saved my life.” Kay had to force a swallow down his throat.

“And you have a task with his horse?” Kay smiled and told Merlin about Petey, thinking it was a safe topic. “So you wish for glory?”

Kay shook his head without thinking. “No.”

“Then much as I laud you for your kindness to the stable boy, why do you not fulfill Davidas’s wishes yourself?” Kay froze, his words drying up. “Could it be you still have an unfinished task yourself?”

He didn’t know what to say. Kay took a small breath and turned to Merlin. “Maybe sometimes we have to do the right thing.”

“I like you,” Merlin said approvingly. “Sound advice.”

“A friend told me.”

Merlin smiled and stood. “There seems to be a lot of that about.” Kay blinked. “Good friends,” Merlin explained. “I will leave you to your thoughts. Be well.”

Kay nodded and swallowed around the tightness in his throat. He looked over at a roar of laughter as the king made some comment about needing a servant, and he would be back. Mordred took a step with him and waved the servant away. Arthur announced he needed the same. A sliver of something icy ran down Kay’s back, and he immediately got to his feet to follow them.

“My lord.” The servant from before stepped in Kay’s path. “I gave the boy some coin as you asked. He is sleeping with the mare and asks if he should wait to see you in the morning?”

Kay was distracted a second. “Tell him if I’m not there when the sun rises, he must leave.” The servant bowed and hurried away. Kay headed for the tent opening, but it seemed like everyone was determined to get in his way.

He knew Uther would have his servants help him in his own tent, but not even Kay could get in there, but he hurried over. As he suspected, four guards were stationed at various points to ensure the king’s safety and privacy. What did he do? How did he get in there?

He saw a servant leave with a covered bowl and another exit with his armor for cleaning. Kay swallowed Copyright 2016 - 2024