The Darkest Knight (Guardians of Camelot #3) - Victoria Sue Page 0,3

need to stay here.”

Kay agreed. But not for the same reason. Part of a childish rationale he would never freely admit, he was worried Charles would never find him if he wasn’t waiting for him. As if he wouldn’t know where he was.

And he understood Lance’s reluctance. His son had been sighted, and if it were true, if it were really him, there was no way Lance would leave New York, although they had never seen him again either.

“Maybe we don’t all need to go out tonight though,” Lance allowed, and without even looking at Lance, Kay knew he meant him. And for a second he grabbed at the excuse with both hands, knowing every day was getting to be more of an effort, but he couldn’t. The Ursus hadn’t let up for one night, and the thought Morgan was clearly getting stronger to enable this was even worse. They heard the door open and close, boots stamping, and they all glanced at the kitchen door as Ali breezed in followed by Tom and Lucan. She was laughing, her head thrown back in amusement as Tom grinned at some shared joke. It would be simpler if Ali were his. He loved Ali like he loved the rest of them. She was as Mel liked to say a “badass” but unfortunately not his.

Ali’s eyes unerringly found his as if she knew where his thoughts were, and her warm assessing gaze swept him up and down. “I could eat a horse,” she said bluntly.

“We were just deciding on pizza,” Gawain offered and strode to where Mel had tossed the menus.

But Kay wasn’t hungry. He turned, frustrated with himself and angry with everything else, and headed to the door.

“Kay?” It was Lance, and he paused in the hallway.

“I can’t,” he bit out. He couldn’t pretend everything was all right when it wasn’t.

“He’s your Tresor,” Lance said bluntly, the conviction ringing through every syllable. “He will be back.”

“How do you know?” Kay whispered.

“Because you told me. That day we went to see Tom’s mother at the church.” Kay instantly ran through their exact conversation.

“How is it possible to know I’ve never met him but at the same time have him feel so familiar?”

Lance nodded as if he had spoken aloud.

“But what if I’m wrong?”

“I don’t think you are,” Lance said after a moment, “but if you are, then your Tresor will be on his or her way, and you don’t have to worry.”

Kay paused and considered what Lance was saying.

“But how can he be mine when he aids others?” He wasn’t here. Charles had told them that was his life. He was shown his “light” as he had described it, or his charge. He had been responsible for bringing Tom safely to adulthood, or at the very least to Lucan. It was only when Tom’s life was threatened again did he reappear, but the last time he had known he was done. Now he was off saving someone else.

“I know it seems like we have been waiting. Night after night we don’t seem any further forward, but things are changing. Mel—Merlin—coming back to us has changed everything.” Lance clasped Kay’s shoulder. “We are nearing the final battle, and to do that Charles will be at your side—”

“And after?” Kay asked bitterly. He would be tossed aside again, and that was assuming they won.

Lance gazed at him. “You have a family that wants you now.”

Did he? Or did they just want what he represented. Kay shrugged. “I’m going for a drive. Let me know where to meet and who will be my babysitter.”

Kay walked outside, not giving Lance a chance to reply, and headed for his truck. He knew the others watched out for him in some ways more than Tom or Mel. It had never been spoken, but he didn’t fight on his own.

Maybe I should?

Would it bring Charles to him? He didn’t want to die. He wasn’t suicidal, just tired. Drained. So many deaths, so many pointless deaths, and he could remember every one. He drove aimlessly as the shadows in the city lengthened, but then he wasn’t surprised to see Prospect Park ahead of him. He knew what today was, and why his subconscious had brought him here. Fifty years since he’d seen a young girl beaten by her asshole of a pimp in the days when the only people who visited the park were looking for other highs than playing tennis and taking kids boating. She’d approached him as he had Copyright 2016 - 2024