Darker (Alexa O'Brien Huntress Book 6) - By Trina M. Lee Page 0,80

pack of hellhounds appeared between Jez and me. The pack split in half, backing each of us against a wall. I was bracing to go down under a flurry of snapping jaws. Between the killer headache and the power, I was crashing hard now, and knew I’d never have enough left in me to take on each hound.

Jez abandoned any notion of taking them on in human form. Using her last precious seconds wisely, she shifted to leopard and faced them snarling. Being wolf meant giving up my power, no matter how fast it was draining. It also meant, if we got out of here alive, we’d be running through the city streets in a form that would draw far too much attention once the sun rose.

I could draw on power through Arys. Alerting him to where I was and what I was doing didn’t factor into this poorly thought out plan. I grasped for everything I had left in me and prepared to go down fighting.

The hounds leaped in unison, a well-oiled machine that knew how to hunt together. They came at me from each side. Jez was a blur of black and gold across the room as she battled the hellhounds. I kicked one hound in the face, satisfied with the resulting crunch. Another got a taste of my claws when I slashed its throat open.

They came too fast, and there were too many of them. Fangs sunk into my arms as I tried desperately to fend them off. I screamed, a sound that echoed inside my aching head.

The air rippled, and Shya appeared with a flourish of black wings and the stench of sulfur. Every hound snapped to attention, grovelling at his feet with ears laid back and tails tucked between their legs.

I slumped to the floor, breathing heavily. I didn’t know if he was here as friend or foe, but I was happy to be freed of the hellhounds trying to rip my throat out.

“You’ve gone too far, Lilah,” A rumble, like thunder in the distance, accompanied Shya’s words. “You have no claim here. This is my territory now. Brook, you’re dismissed. We’ll be speaking soon.”

Brook looked torn as he contemplated loyalty to his queen and obedience to the most powerful demon present. He disappeared with the sound of ruffling feathers. The other demons present were quick to follow suit.

Lilah sat stiffly in her chair. With her chin lifted in defiance, she appeared completely unafraid. She knew just as well as I did that Shya wouldn’t be the one to send her back to her prison. Damn demon politics.

“How dare you enter my house uninvited? You’re not welcome here. When you severed your ties with me, you knew what that meant.” Lilah’s voice was brittle, as if she was fighting very hard to keep her calm and cool appearance.

“You’re a powerless queen with low ranking demons that serve you out of pity, not loyalty.” Shya shook his head and tsked. “It’s sad. You just can’t accept that your time is over.”

“My time has yet to come. You would be wise to remember that. I made you, and I can and will break you. You’re everything you are because of me.” Lilah’s calm tone became a shout.

I shoved to my feet and applied pressure to the gushing punctures in my arm. It was bad. Those bites were going to hurt for a day or two.

“Perhaps.” Shya gave a slight nod. “But, I owe you nothing now.”

He turned to Jez and me, ushering us toward the door with his outstretched wings. He didn’t waste another word on Lilah. She sat there stewing, a self-appointed queen with no kingdom to rule. It would have been sad if it weren’t so downright disturbing. I knew her type; nothing would ever stop her.

“I need her blood, Shya,” she called after us. “If I can’t have her, I’ll ensure that you can’t either. You’ll regret this foolish rebellion.”

Shya paused, a strange smile on his face. “That is exactly why you don’t deserve to rule.”

Lilah didn’t respond. With nobody left to protect her, I saw my chance and decided to go for it. I reached for my power, gritting my teeth against the unbearable agony. I’d draw from Arys if need be; it would be worth it if this worked.

I set my focus on her and let go. I could feel her vampire essence, and I knew it was mine to manipulate. Excitement surged through me. This was going to work.

…Or, it would

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