Darker (Alexa O'Brien Huntress Book 6) - By Trina M. Lee Page 0,62

ready to head out. What’s up?”

Kylarai peered out at me from behind a fringe of dark brown bangs. Her hair lay atop her shoulders in trendy layers that made her grey eyes stand out in contrast. Wearing butt-hugging blue jeans and a long, form-fitting sweater, Ky looked both professional and hot. Her energy was messy and scattered. It betrayed her fashionably well put together appearance.

“Sorry to just drop in,” she said, anxiously tucking a lock of hair behind her ear. “I need to talk to you. About the pack.”

“What about them? Did something else happen?” My pulse quickened. Lilah was susceptible to sunlight. Could she have hurt someone else so soon?

“No, nothing like that,” she assured me. “I saw them earlier today. We had somewhat of a pack meeting. About you.”

She spit out that last bit like it hurt her to say it. I realized where this was going; part of me had been expecting it.

I led the way back to the kitchen and waited patiently for Kylarai to give her condolences to Jez. I wouldn’t trust me either, but I wasn’t in a rush to hear that my pack didn’t trust me with their safety.

“Go on.” I gestured for her to continue when she looked uncertainly from me to Jez. “Tell me what the pack had to say. Since they’re meeting without me, I can only assume it means one thing.”

Kylarai sucked in a breath. She was having a hard time making eye contact. It didn’t seem fair that she had to be the one to speak for them all. Of course, she was one of my best friends, so it made sense.

“They want you out, Alexa.” Her words were rushed. Though she was nervously fidgeting with a stray penny lying on the counter top, her eyes were finally on me. “We’ve lost two wolves this week and Julian not so long ago. They think you bring danger to us all. They think you’re more vampire now than wolf. Nobody trusts you.”

The silence was deafening. Jez regarded me with wide eyes, awaiting my reaction. Kylarai was miserable. I could see this was the last thing she wanted to be doing right now.

“Fair enough,” I said, my voice hollow, lacking emotion. The vampire remark stung especially deep after what I’d recently learned.

“I’m sorry.” Kylarai’s soft declaration was pained. “I love you like a sister, Lex, but you and I both know they’re right. Things have changed for you. It’s not safe for us anymore.”

I nodded, having a hard time finding the words. “Fine. I’m out. No argument here. So who takes over? You?”

“Yeah. At least until Shaz gets back.”

The urge to punch something was strong. My anger wasn’t directed at Kylarai. This wasn’t her fault; it was mine. If I lost my wolf because of my blood bond with Arys, that would be my fault, too. I was doing a fantastic job of fucking things up. If I didn’t stay mad, I might cry. So, I chose to nurture the growing ire. It would come in handy later.

“You know what? You should be Alpha, Kylarai. Not me. I’m cool with this. Really. You can tell everyone I’ll keep my distance.” Being cast out of my pack hurt like a bitch, yet I couldn’t deny the truth. “They’re better off without me.”

“I feel like an ass,” Kylarai said, staring across the living room at a vase filled with fake flowers. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t want to do this.”

“Stop apologizing. Only a true leader can kick a friend out for the good of all. I respect you, Ky. That will never change.”

She grabbed me in a big hug, crushing the air from my lungs. “If you need me, really need me, I’ve got your back. You know that, right?”

“Of course.”

Kylarai had been there for me through some bad times. Back when Raoul was playing with both my head and my heart, before Shaz and I were anything but friends, she had been the mother hen of our pack, taking care of those in need. Recently, she had found love after a few failed relationships. She deserved to be happy and safe.

“Watch your back, ok? Lilah shouldn’t be a problem much longer, but in the meantime, stay safe. Don’t let your guard down.” I was confident Kylarai could take care of herself. Hell, she’d torn her abusive husband’s throat out and fought at my side many times. She would make a great pack leader.

“I should go. Coby’s waiting for me in the

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