darkened blade_ A fallen blade novel - Kelly McCullough Page 0,122

that had happened when I had used the key on my last visit to the temple precinct, and I glanced quickly at the finger. I couldn’t be sure, but I thought the line of rot might have advanced a hair’s breadth from where it was only moments before.

What the hell was that? demanded Triss.

In a minute, I sent back.

I quickly tucked the finger away again—if there was something going badly wrong there I didn’t want the others to know until I had a better grip on it myself. I swam through the little gate, closely followed by Kelos and then Faran. It had already begun to close itself as Kelos moved ahead of me in the passage again. We swam now rather than pulling ourselves along on the ceiling, as the water level had dropped too far to make the latter practical, and the current had completely stalled.

As we fell back into a line, Triss nudged me again mentally. Well . . .

I don’t know, Triss. I think that using the ring on that gate did something to the finger. I couldn’t say what.

Why do I think you’re not telling me something?

Because you’ve been spending too much time around Kelos, and it’s making you paranoid?

I fully intended to tell him more about the finger once I figured out what was going on. I just didn’t want him panicking and trying to call the whole thing off prematurely if I was only imagining things. Well, and being honest with myself, even if I wasn’t imagining it, I would be very reluctant to pull out now. We were so close, and this was the only chance we would have to make use of the water route.

Maybe you’re right, sent Triss. Maybe I am being paranoid, but if you’re holding out on me . . .

Would I do that?

You have. You do. You will again. Usually you believe you have a good reason. Usually, you’re wrong. Next question?

Fine. Kelos led us into yet another branch of the tunnel. When I used the ring, it felt like something tugged at my heart, and maybe, maybe, the rot line moved. But I might have just imagined that part.

We should turn back, right now.

And give up what might be our best shot at the Son of Heaven?

Aral, you don’t even want to do this!

But I can’t not. You see that, don’t you? One way or the other, I have to face him and decide the fate of the East.

I . . . Argh! You are the most frustrating creature I have ever met!

“Is the current moving the other way now?” asked Faran.

“Yes,” replied Kelos. “I think you’re right. Let’s hurry, there’s another gate just beyond the next arch. If we can get through it quick enough, that’d be a really good thing. I didn’t expect to make it this far this fast, but we have, and that gives us a much better chance.”

Perhaps two minutes later, we were at the gate. By then, the current going back the other way was strong enough that swimming against it had become damned hard. Having the grate to cling to was an enormous relief.

Watch the finger as I open this gate, I sent to Triss. Tell me if the rot moves.

Dammit, I don’t think—

By then I was already pressing the seal against the spell lock. This time, I expected the tugging on my heart. That didn’t make it feel any less awful, but at least it allowed me to brace for it.

The line moved, sent Triss. It definitely moved.

That’s not good.

No! It’s not. We have to turn back.

I don’t think it’s an option at the moment, Triss. Remember what Kelos said about getting sucked into the deeps and drowning?

I didn’t wait for his response as I went for the gate. The current had increased enough that dragging myself through took real effort, and letting it press me against the grate on the far side was almost a pleasure. Faran came next, with Kelos last.

“Hang on tight,” said Kelos while the flow increased and increased again till it felt like it was trying to press me right through the bars of the grate.

The water level dropped a good three feet over the next few minutes, leaving that much more flowing along the bottom of the tunnel, and the current made it foam and froth as it went through the grate. We were able to climb down and put our feet on the floor then, though there was no chance of

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