Darken the Stars - Amy A. Bartol Page 0,6

and glances at Giffen. His jaw ticks. Giffen growls. “Where is she?” he asks Astrid.

Astrid gestures lamely to where Trey is lying with me curled up to his side. “Over there by him.”

Giffen frowns. “How long has she been here?”

Astrid shrugs, the frown lines on her face deepen. “I don’t know. How long have you been here, Kricket?” Astrid asks. I ignore her question, mulishly trying everything I can to keep her out of my mind. “She won’t talk to me!” The forlorn twist of her lips causes Giffen to scowl.

Giffen raises his hands in my direction. He uses his power of telekinesis to connect to me in the most intimate of ways, infiltrating my spirit. Energy as thick as muddy water swirls within me. Giffen’s power spreads through me like a fever. It’s as if I’ve swallowed the light of the sun. His essence mingles with mine, and the sensation is nothing less than euphoric. I hate him for it. I shimmer and become a golden silhouette of billowing stardust and light—apparently visible to them, if Astrid’s gasp is any indication.

Giffen walks forward until he stands just next to me. Crouching down by my side, he murmurs, “Kricket, you can’t stay here. You have to go back.” He can definitely see me.

I’m not leaving! I think. I don’t need the ability to speak with him. He’s a part of me now. He’s interfering with my time with Trey. I have so little left.

“If you stay much longer, your body that you left behind will die.”

I know he’s right. The pull to leave is so strong.

“Your body needs whatever this is—” he waves his hand in my direction “—to survive.”

“Why do you care?” I snarl.

“You’re my—” he hesitates “—you’re frightening your sister.” His response is as lame as he is.

Even without a body, my response sounds like a snort. “I don’t care.”

“You’re no good to us dead! We need information, and you’re the only one in a position to provide it. You’re the only one who can get close to them. Stop being a selfish child!”

I want to lash out at him—hurt him. I want his heart to ache like mine does. “I’m not helping you.”

“Then help yourself! You should learn when to go! Your gift will kill you!”

“Good!” I retort.

“Your life is failing.” He pushes more of his own life force into me, strengthening the silhouette of me that is beginning to fade. “You have to go back! Now!”

“I’m never going back,” I reply. I look away from him. The shiny, gold stardust of my hair runs in shimmering waves over Trey’s chest as I rest my cheek against him.

“Then you’ll die!” Giffen roars as he swipes his hand across the side table, knocking vials of liquid and scattering them across the floor with a loud racket.

“You’re going to have to find another way in with the Alameeda. I’m done.”

“Why? What’s wrong? What’s going on there?”

“You know,” I accuse him.

“If I knew, I wouldn’t ask.”

“Please go back, Kricket,” Astrid pleads.

I stab her with my golden stardust stare. “He’s going to make me sleep with him.”

She looks as if I punched her in the stomach. “Who’s going to make you?”

“Kyon—your Alameeda friend who traded you for me. He owns me now. They gave me to him.”

Her face loses most of its color. “He’s not my friend.”

“He’s not mine, either,” I reply.

She looks at Raspin, whose face contorts in shame. She points her finger at him. “I’m never speaking to you again!” Her venom turns on Giffen next. “You have to get her out of there!”

Giffen shakes his head. “There’s no way right now, but even if there were, I wouldn’t do it. You think she’d be safe here?” He gestures to me while he snarls at Astrid. “She’s in the only place where she won’t be under the constant threat of death every single rotation. Ruthless or not, Kyon will protect her. He can’t help himself. I saw the look on his face when he saw her—when I ransomed her. It was relief. He’d never have negotiated with us for you if she weren’t the trade. He would’ve brought his army and crushed us instead. He needs her, and we need her there. She’s going back! The Alameeda Strikers are annihilating Rafe. It’s only a matter of time before they turn their attention to us. We have to find a way to take them out now, and your sister is the only one we have on the inside.”

“So I’m expendable,”

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