Darken the Stars - Amy A. Bartol Page 0,32

its wooden pillars. A deck connects it to the structure directly in front of us. It’s also made of teak with thatched roofs, wooden floors, and open-wall archways. Under the shelter of a peaked roof, a few elegant, moss-green-covered chairs cluster around the rustic hearth and driftwood mantel. A small bar and commissary are behind the sitting area. Beyond the bar, there are two rooms: One appears to be a bathroom—or, as they call it, a lavare, because it has a glass shower that opens on one side with a view of the sea. The other room is a lovely bedroom with a dreamy froth of white netting over it and an open wall to access a wooden bridge that leads to more thatched-hut structures behind this one.

We enter the hut straight ahead of us through an open wall that has lush green potted palms on either side of it. “Would you like some water?” Kyon asks. I nod to him. He passes the sitting area and goes to the bar. I follow him and lean against the sandstone countertop while he rounds it to the other side. “Oscil, two glasses of water.”

From the center of the sandstone, a hole opens up in the counter, and beautiful goblets of water emerge from beneath its surface. Reaching for a glass, I take a sip of it as Kyon says, “Oscil, prepare the cottages for setting three.”

“There is no inclement weather detected in this area. The likelihood of a hurricane making landfall here is point zero zero zero zero—”

“Override hurricane probability. Secure the cottages to setting three. Access to emergency settings restricted to Kyon Ensin.”

The gazebo to our left changes. Glass-panel walls emerge from the wood floor, blocking access to the hammock within. Once the transparent barriers are in place, metal hurricane shutters roll down over the glass.

I glance at Kyon for a moment as he drinks his water and watches me. I look away and see most of the open walls to this teak structure begin to close, leaving all but one wall to the outside open—it’s the way we came in. The outside walls of the bedroom close off access to the bridge that connects it to the other teak huts as glass partitions emerge from the floor. Steel shutters come down over the glass in this area too, darkening the room. The same thing happens in the lavare—it’s shrouded in darkness within seconds by hurricane shutters.

“What are we going to do here?” I ask as I turn toward Kyon again in confusion and find him gone. Looking around, I see him nearing the only exit left open to the cottage.

“You’re going to wait here. You’ll be safe,” Kyon says as he leaves. I hurry toward the exit too, but a glass panel comes up from the floor between us, blocking my way out.

“No, no, no, no, no!” I whine as I put my hands on the glass and try to stop it from closing completely. It’s no good; I’m not strong enough. The hurricane shutters begin to come down over the outside of the transparent wall. I bang on the glass. “Kyon!” I yell at him, as he smiles at me from the other side.

“Take a nap,” he calls back. “You’re still exhausted.”

The shutters close over all the glass walls and windows, leaving me in total darkness inside. “Oh, no he did not just lock me in here and tell me to take a nap! What a total knob knocker!” I try to cross the room, stumble into a chair, bruise my knee, walk a step farther, bump into a small table, flail my arms, and stub my toe. “Oww!” I lift my foot and rub it. “Oscil!” I yell in frustration.

“May I be of assistance?” The fem-bot voice asks from above.

“I need some light.” Every single light in the place turns on at once. “Let me out of here,” I order.

“You are not authorized for a change in command mode.”

“Oh, he’s such a wacker!” I fume. “Oscil, open shutters.”

“You are not authorized for that command.”

“Override setting three!”

“You are not authorized for that command.”

“What can I do?” I growl.

“You may utilize the commissary functions. May I suggest a cup of kafcan?”

“No. What other functions are available to me?” I cross my arms.

“You have access to climate control.”

I look around the room. “Do I have access to the fireplace?”

“Yes,” Oscil responds. “Do you require a fire?”

I smile. “Why, yes, Oscil. I do require a fire.”

The fake logs stacked in the

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