Dark Wolf (Spirit Wild) - By Kate Douglas Page 0,73

me, Annie. Do you?

I do.

I won’t pressure you. It doesn’t have to be tonight, but I don’t want to wait. I want the link that allows us always to be connected. I want you to know what’s in my heart so there’s no doubt how I feel.

He’d moved closer to her until their noses touched. Her thoughts blossomed, stronger, even more intimate than before. It’s hard for me to accept, she said. You’ve always been Lily’s.

I’ve been Lily’s friend, her lover, and her excuse, just as she’s been mine. As long as we’ve stayed together, we didn’t have to pretend with anyone else. I’m through pretending. Let your parents know you’re staying with me tonight. When you’re ready, we’ll take that next step.

When I’m ready? How do I know when? I’ve always known I loved you, but there was never a resolution to that love. I never . . .

Now you will. With me.

She was silent for what seemed like a very long time. He didn’t pry, didn’t intrude on her conversation with her parents, but when she turned to him, her beautiful eyes sparkled.

My father says as long as I’m with you, he’s not worried.

Tinker said that? Martin McClintock, known to one and all as Tinker, was big and scary and loved by everyone in the pack. He was the one who generally kept the young men in line. A glance from Tinker was usually enough to settle any disagreement.

He’d saved Alex from himself more than once.

Yeah. He did. Pretty amazing, don’t you think?

You have no idea. He’d been one of those young men always pushing the edge. There were times he was convinced his own father wanted to strangle him, but Alex had survived his teen years without becoming a statistic—much to everyone’s surprise—and due in part to the mentoring he’d gotten from Annie’s father.

Even more surprising had been his choice as the pack’s liaison to the Flathead County sheriff’s department, but he’d discovered a talent for working with people, for calming situations before they blew out of control.

Right now, he was the one on the edge of control. He wanted Annie now, wanted her as his mate. He didn’t want to wait, but it appeared that she did.

So he’d wait.

Annie turned and raced down the hill toward Lily’s cabin. He loved following her, watching her beautiful tail waving like a flag behind her. He filled his head with her scent, oblivious to everything around him. Only Annie existed. She was beautiful. She was perfect. She was everything he wanted—and she was his.

Without warning, something big and hard hit him from the side. Rolled him off his feet. He cried out a warning to Annie, but she was down with a massive wolf at her throat.

He sent out a cry for help, a cry to the first name that came to mind, even as he twisted frantically, trying to break the grip of the wolf that clamped down with sharp teeth and powerful jaws on the thick fur at his neck.

Lily preened like a cat, sitting on the floor as Sebastian knelt at her back and dried her with a big, fluffy towel. She wondered if she’d ever get enough of him. He’d made love to her in the oversized tub, again as they’d showered to rinse off the soap, and now he was erect again, his cock rising high against his belly. His body was so big and hard and powerful, yet his hands held her and dried her, as gently as if he handled a child.

She tilted her head back and looked at him upside down. His eyes really were teal blue, the color of a tropical lagoon. His irises were ringed in black, his eyes framed in long, thick black lashes. “You have gorgeous eyes.”

“The better to see you with.”

She laughed. “Old, old line. Were your mother’s eyes that color?”

He leaned close and kissed the end of her nose. “No, her eyes were gold, like yours.”

Even better. “Not gold. Amber. I bet she had amber-colored eyes. Typical of Chanku. Most of us have eyes that color.”

He shook his head. “There’s no proof she was Chanku. I know you think I might be, but there was nothing about her that fits any of the descriptions I’ve read. That thing about the libido? As far as I know, she had none. No interest in men. She never dated. I didn’t know she’d actually been married to my father until I found the divorce papers.”

“Did she ever talk

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