Dark Wolf (Spirit Wild) - By Kate Douglas Page 0,59

the fading bruise over her cheek. A couple more shifts, and it should be gone by the time she returned home.

Running his hands along her back, he cupped her bottom and lifted her, pulling her close against his erect cock. She smelled so damned good, like the forest at night and clear, fresh water, in spite of the minerals in the pool. Her skin against his was dark silk, but as he held her close, she shuddered.

He felt the tension in her body, thrumming like the string on a guitar. Opening his thoughts, he tried to read her, but her shields felt like a brick wall between them.

“Annie? Sweetheart, what’s the matter?”

She tilted her head and turned her face against his chest. He wanted to ask Lily, but she’d moved away for a reason, a reminder that this was something he needed to figure out on his own.

He really hated when she did that, but this wasn’t about teasing or playing games. This was about Annie, and a future that had opened itself to him so unexpectedly, so perfectly, that he really didn’t want to screw it up.

He lifted Annie higher, and she wrapped her legs around his waist as he carried her to a fallen log worn smooth by time. Almost hyperaware of her damp sex against his belly, of the fullness of her small but perfect breasts pressing against his chest, he sat down with her in his lap, his hands linked at the small of her back, hers behind his neck.

Her buttocks, so round and firm, rested upon his thighs, and his sinfully erect cock pressed tightly in the crease between her buttocks, throbbing in time with his racing pulse. He took a deep breath and searched for control. For focus.

He wanted to look into her eyes, but she’d pressed the side of her face too close against his chest to see them. Her entire body trembled. What was she so afraid of? “Tell me. Please, Annie. Whatever has you upset needs to be fixed before we go any further.”

She nodded, but she still wouldn’t look at him. “I know. Lily said to be honest with you, but it’s hard to say the words.”

“Then open your thoughts. Let me in.”

She didn’t speak, but he felt her shields drop, sensed the turmoil in her mind. And when he finally heard her mental voice, he realized he hadn’t expected anything like this.

I’ve never been with a man. She tucked her head even closer against his chest, and he wondered if she’d noticed that his heart skipped a beat. Or more. It took him a minute to digest the magnitude of what she admitted. She was Chanku. They’d all had sex with one another throughout their teen years. All but Annie?

He hadn’t really thought about it, but he realized now she’d never fully been a part of their closely knit group.

He stroked her short curls and then lifted her chin, forcing her to face him. And that’s bad, why?

She pulled back and finally looked him in the eye, but her confidence had returned. Sort of. You’ll think I’m a freak.

He shrugged, doing his best to keep his voice level. Goddess, but he wanted her so much. Wanted to bury himself deep in her welcoming heat. Wanted to claim her, both as woman and as wolf. But not yet. Not until she was sure she wanted to take this step.

Is the reason you’ve not had sex with any guys freaky?

She shook her head. I dunno. Maybe. You might think so.

He realized he was smiling in spite of the odd situation. She was absolutely precious to him, her confidence coming and going with each thought. I want the truth, Annie. I want to know you, without secrets. Definitely without any fear. Why have you chosen to wait? And don’t try and tell me it wasn’t a choice. You’re Chanku. Your drives are as strong as the rest of ours. Your needs just as powerful.

She took a deep breath and faced him again. Licked her lips, took a long, slow breath. There was no one else I wanted. Only you. Never anyone else. Since I was a kid, it’s always been you.

That definitely sucked all the air out of his lungs. He looked into those gorgeous amber eyes and wanted to shout. A rousing cheer, maybe? At least a few cartwheels should be in order, but he kept his voice calm and softly said, “Oh, Annie. Why didn’t you say anything? Why didn’t

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