Dark Skies by Danielle L. Jensen Page 0,83

were, it would be entombed, as are all the known genesis and terminus stems across nearly every nation of the West.”

She stared at him in horror, and he nodded. “You might have escaped that underground cave only to find yourself in a tomb with no chance of rescue.”

“But … why?”

He shrugged. “No one likes another nation having easy access within one’s borders. And to leave the genesis stems open would be negligent. A child could wander across one and no one would ever know what happened to her.”

It made a certain amount of sense, but she still felt like pounding the table in frustration, because if there was a way here, there must be a way back.

Taking a deep breath to steady her anger, she said, “I sold my ring for enough to gain passage on a ship. I was going to try today, but—”

“I told you that Quindor has—”

“I know,” Lydia interrupted. “And it doesn’t matter anyway. I was mobbed in the shelter, and they took all of my coin. And now—” She broke off, the memory of all those hands holding her down sending a wash of panic through her.

“You stayed in one of the shelters?”

“I didn’t want to waste my coins on an inn, though in hindsight…”

“I’m sorry. If I’d known, I’d—” Killian broke off. “The cost isn’t an issue. If we can sneak you past Quindor’s testers…” He dug into the pocket of his coat, then swore. “Gods-damn it, Finn. Of all the days for you to pick my pockets.” More digging in his other pockets produced a handful of coins mixed in with random items: a pair of dice. A crumpled scrap of paper. A single cufflink shaped like a horse. Plucking out the coins, he pushed them into her hands, tossing the rest on the table.

She stared at the coins. “But you need me to guard the Princess until she’s safe in Serlania.”

“I do. But Teriana is my friend, and it seems there is much more at stake than Malahi’s life. Besides, her safety is my responsibility, not yours.”

Lydia stared at the glittering coins, all of them stamped with a scorpion except one dull piece of silver, which was stamped with a bird of prey. A falcon. She traced a finger over the tarnished silver, something about it familiar.

“Are you able to control your mark?” he asked. “I know it’s possible—I’ve seen it done.”

“I don’t know. I’ve never tried.” She’d been afraid to even make an attempt.

“Only one way to remedy that.” Killian extracted a knife, the edge glittering. Pulling up his sleeve, he sliced it across the back of his forearm, blood immediately welling to the surface. It ran in little crimson droplets down the back of his hand, making soft splats against the floor. He held out his arm to her.

Lydia eyed the injury, remembering how it had felt to let go of her life to bolster his. How her heart had fluttered, how it had become hard to breathe. Though logically she knew this injury wouldn’t cost her so much, her hand still shook as she reached out, because so much more than her own life hung in the balance.

Be brave, she silently commanded herself; then she wrapped her fingers around his muscled forearm, holding her breath.

She could feel it. Feel the injury. Feel the insistent tug at her core to right the damage.

No. She resisted, but it was like fighting the urge to breathe.

“You’re shaking. They’ll suspect if you act this way.”


Her chest hurt. Everything hurt.

“Breathe, Lydia.”

If you don’t get back, no one will ever learn the truth about what Lucius has done.


Do this, or Lucius wins.


Gasping, Lydia snapped open her eyes to find Killian staring down at her, his arms the only thing keeping her upright. “Are you all right?” he demanded, and only when she nodded did he let her go.

He held up his still-bleeding arm. “I’m not sure we can consider that a total success.”

Eyes stinging, Lydia turned away. Do not cry. You will not cry. “I need to get home.”

Killian was silent for a moment. “It’s your choice. Delay a month and have the certainty of reaching Serlania or go now and risk a performance like this on the harbor docks.”

Which was the better path?

Killian scooped the coins off the table, but instead of re-pocketing them, he took her hand and pressed them into it. “You don’t need to decide right this moment. Think on it, but while you do, we’ll carry on with our plan.”


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