Dark Skies by Danielle L. Jensen Page 0,183

Wasn’t even certain now if that had been Malahi’s intent, and the only person who could confirm it was Bercola, who was nowhere to be found. Either she was dead or had fled, but even given the circumstances, Killian struggled to believe Bercola’s honor would allow for the latter.

“I know it is your instinct to grieve for her death,” Serrick continued. “Even though she conspired against me, she was still my daughter and her loss pains me more than you can know. But she was a conniving, wicked thing who manipulated everyone around her to achieve her own ends, caring not who she hurt in the process.”

Malahi had made some unforgivable choices, but—

“She used you, Killian. She knew what you cared about. What you wanted. And she exploited that information in her quest for the crown. Surely you see that now?”

In hindsight, it was impossible not to see how he’d been manipulated. How little what he had wanted really mattered. How easily Malahi had risked everything and everyone Killian cared about in order to achieve her own ends.

“Yet despite my daughter’s machinations, you have proven yourself, Killian Calorian. Proven that Tremon still values your service. And Mudamora needs you now more than it ever has.” Serrick took a step back. “I would have you take command of my armies and see our kingdom put to rights.”

It was what he’d wanted. What he’d always wanted. But not … Not like this. Not with this man as king.

“You were marked to protect the realm.” Serrick inclined his head. “And I intend to bestow upon you every resource in order to ensure that you can do so.”


“Remind me your age, Killian? I’ve forgotten.”

He blinked. “Nineteen, Your Grace.”

Serrick chuckled. “Such an enormous honor, especially for someone as young as yourself. But Tremon clearly believes you’re ready.”

Maybe this wasn’t how he envisioned it, but this was his chance to atone. To give his people back their kingdom. To allow them to thrive.

Is that even possible with Serrick as king? Killian didn’t know.

This was what you wanted, a voice screamed inside his head. The only thing you’ve ever wanted.

Except that wasn’t true anymore. There was something—someone—else, and she was waiting for him. And for the first time since he’d met Lydia, he was free to do something about the way he felt.

A freedom that came at the expense of Malahi’s life!

Guilt rose up in his core like bile. He had no right to be thinking such thoughts. Not now. Not ever. With Malahi gone, his duty needed to be to his country, and that meant serving whoever wore the crown. “I accept.”



Lydia paced back and forth through the tent, her heart racing.

What had the King wanted from Killian? Not the King, she reminded herself. Malahi is Queen now.

But that didn’t mean Killian was beyond punishment. There were people in the camp searching for her—and given their connection, he could be in a great deal of trouble.

You should go, she told herself. You should run.

He’d said Sonia had horses waiting. All she needed to do was track down the young woman and she could be on her way.

On your way where?

The thought stopped her in her tracks, because she didn’t have an answer. Part of her wanted to go to Teriana, but her friend had a plan and she didn’t need Lydia interfering, especially given Marcus would probably kill her on sight—she knew far too much for him to leave alive. Bait could deliver the truth to Teriana with much less risk to either of them.

Another part of her wanted to go back to Celendor. To see if her father was still alive and if her mark would still be with her, allowing her to heal him. Then together, they could pull Lucius from power.

But another part of her, growing stronger and more insistent, was pushing her in an entirely different direction.

A draft struck her in her back, and Lydia whirled around—

To find herself face-to-face with Hacken Calorian. “Now what do we have here?” he said, and she took several steps back at the fury burning in his eyes. His clothes were muddy and torn, a livid scrape marring one of his lovely cheeks.

“I’ve always had a knack for finding things that Killian doesn’t want found,” the High Lord said, coming fully into the tent. “For a boy who is supposed to be such a strategic genius, he’s never been very good at hiding things.”

“What do you want?”

He barked out a humorless laugh. “What I want is

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