Dark Skies by Danielle L. Jensen Page 0,147

into the chamber, dropping her torch to rest her hands on her knees, panting. “Thank the Six. I was starting to worry that you two star-crossed lovers had chosen to abandon us to wherever that thing goes.”

“Lena.” Killian glared at her. “You really need to learn to keep some thoughts inside your head.”

“Right. Well, since you’re still here.” She handed him a tiny scrap of paper, the sight making his skin crawl with trepidation. “This came in by pigeon from the Royal Army.”

Killian read the few sentences, his heart sinking in his chest as he eyed the date.

“What is it?” Lydia asked.

“The rest of Rufina’s host flanked the Royal Army two nights ago.” Shoving the paper in his pocket, he started up the tunnel. “More than twenty thousand enemy soldiers are marching on Mudaire and there is nothing in their way capable of stopping them.”



Killian led them at a run through the tunnels, both Lydia and Lena struggling to keep his pace.

Just as it was a struggle not to look at the faces of the bodies they passed. More blight-infected civilians, most of whom Killian had killed from behind as he had raced to rescue Malahi, and Lydia couldn’t help but think about Bercola. How the giantess had seemed … broken in a way no healer could fix.

How much worse was it for him?

No one knew better than her how dedicated Killian was to protecting the people of Mudaire, and to have been forced to slaughter them? She could only imagine the toll it must be taking on him, though he wasn’t showing it.

“Captain,” Lena called, but Killian didn’t slow. Didn’t show any sign that he heard at all, even when Lena repeated his title. Finally, the other girl shouted, “Killian, will you listen to me?”

He slid to a stop and Lydia nearly slammed into his back, catching herself against the wall.

“What?” he demanded.

“You might want to go ahead of us,” Lena said. “Her Majesty is waiting where you left her and she’s…” Lena’s eyes went to Lydia. “Might be better if we followed along after, if you get my meaning.”

Killian was silent for a long moment; then he said, “The reason I came back was that I’m not leaving any of you down here alone. That hasn’t changed.” Then he twisted on his heel, heading in the direction of the torch light ahead.

“Don’t say I didn’t warn you,” Lena muttered. Catching Lydia’s arm, she said,.“Listen, I know the heart wants what it wants, but this is going to cause you a world of trouble.” Her grip tightened. “Just keep your head down, all right?”

There was little to do but nod, though apprehension bubbled in Lydia’s chest as they followed Killian.

Malahi and the rest of the group stood waiting at the base of the ladder leading up to the palace. Someone had dragged the bodies to the side, but there were still smears of blood and blight across the stone floor, the hem of the Queen’s gown smearing it as she paced back and forth. She stopped in her tracks as Killian approached, shadows from the torches dancing across her face.

“Oh, how wonderful,” she snapped. “It appears our dear Lydia is alive and well.”

Killian didn’t answer, only moved to go around her. But Malahi shifted into his path.

“We are about to have an enemy army knocking on the gates to Mudaire, Your Majesty. Perhaps we might prioritize that.”

“How nice to see that there is something you care about more than her welfare.”

“I’m not having this conversation right now.”

“Yes, you are.” Malahi’s hands balled into fists. “This is twice now that you’ve abandoned me in favor of protecting her. Explain yourself.”

“Abandoned you?” Killian braced his hands on either side of the tunnel. “I’ve never left you without at least a dozen armed guards standing in my place.”

“Which begs the question of why you don’t send them instead of going yourself.”

Lydia held her breath, because this wasn’t just a question of those two moments. It was all the times he’d left Malahi in the palace to see to the well-being of those other than her.

“Because I don’t like to put others unnecessarily at risk.”

“You swore an oath to me, Killian Calorian.” Malahi’s voice was a mix of anger and hurt. “And yet most days it feels like you are my bodyguard in name only.”


“In name only.” There was a faint shake to Killian’s voice that made Lydia want to step forward. To stop this. But Lena’s hand closed over her wrist, pulling

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