Dark Skies by Danielle L. Jensen Page 0,131

widened eyes—“we do nothing. Mudamora falls beneath the hand of the Seventh, and yet we do nothing. Why?”

All the High Lords shifted in their seats, Torrington drinking deeply from his wineglass, though the rest left theirs untouched. And even he glared at the contents, then set his glass aside.

“Why?” Hacken pushed his chair back and circled the table. “You know the reason as well as I—it’s because even in these desperate times, we cannot put aside the enmities between our houses long enough to choose a king from among ourselves. Despite Mudamora being united for centuries, we still behave as though we’re twelve separate kingdoms squabbling over a garden plot of land! And since we cannot fight together, it seems we are all destined to die together!”

Killian had known his brother was the consummate politician, but it was another thing to see him in action. And even knowing Hacken as well as he did, Killian found himself caught up in the rise and fall of his brother’s voice. Felt his blood boil with the need to take action.

“Thank the gods there is one among us who had the wisdom to see a better path.” Hacken had circled around to Malahi’s chair. Reaching down, he took her hand, helping her stand. Though this was the moment she’d fought for these long months, the moment of reckoning, Killian had to curb the urge to shove his brother away from the Princess.

“A girl of only just eighteen,” Hacken said. “Yet it was she, not any of us, who found a way to spare my brother from Serrick’s blasphemy. It was she who remained in Mudaire, despite the dangers, in order to care for its civilians. It was she who saw how Mudamora might be spared despite all of our pettiness and infighting. And I say we make her our figurehead in our fight against the Seventh and his sorceress. I say we make Malahi Rowenes our queen!”

The High Lords roared their approval, and as one they stood, bowing low to Malahi.

Hacken turned on Killian. “What say you, Marked One?”

It was a struggle not to grimace at that blasted title, though Killian had known coming into this meeting what role he was to play. “In the names of the Six, I swear that this vote has been conducted lawfully, and that all have acted of their own accord and without compulsion.”

“Then it is done.” Hacken reached into his coat, extracting a sparkling tiara, which he placed on Malahi’s head. “May the Six guide and protect Her Royal Majesty, Queen Malahi Rowenes!”

Everyone in the room bowed low; then Hacken took Malahi by the elbow. “Let’s go make the announcement to your guests, shall we?”

The group rose, the other High Lords going first. Outside the council chambers, a young boy stood with the guards. He pushed through toward Hacken, handing him a note, a slow smile rising to Hacken’s face as he read the contents.

Casting a backward glance at Killian, he said, “Looks like we won’t be needing Mother’s ships after all.”

Killian’s heart skipped.

Watch your rear.



Lydia rested her shoulders against the wall outside the council chambers, wishing she could shut her eyes for a moment without fear of a reprimand from Bercola. Last night had been sleepless with its mad dash to attempt to warn the civilians of the tainted water with the deimos flying overhead, and then much of the day spent assisting with the evacuation. The well at the barracks was foul, so all of Malahi’s guards had moved to the palace.

Not that it mattered much given that every one of them was on duty tonight.

And given that Malahi intended to set sail at dawn.

They’d be undertaking the journey on High Lord Calorian’s ship. The Princess had limited her ladies to two chests of belongings each, and other than Helene, none of them had argued. They’d wanted to be gone weeks ago, and Lydia was certain that if they’d been told they could bring nothing more than the clothes on their back, none of them would’ve cared. With the city losing wells to the blight by the hour, even the most privileged were starting to feel the walls closing in.

Tonight would be her last night in Mudaire. And the beginning of the end of her time in the West.

This is what you’ve been working toward, she reminded herself. Going home to help Teriana. To, hope against hope, save your father.

And even if the worst happened and she failed in both of these things, to

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