Dark Redemption - Charlotte Byrd Page 0,19


It's not a controlled environment. There are waves that move you from side to side. I regret going out all this way without goggles.

When I get back to the shore, I lie down in the sand and let the water caress my feet.

I close my eyes and my mind begins to wander. I want to enjoy the moment, but I have been one that is very good at meditation.

All of the normal worries creep in. Next week one of the companies that we have invested in with my initiative is going to be sold. If that happens, and the sale actually goes through, all the paperwork is signed and approved, then I stand to make about half a million dollars.

That would be enough money to pay off the loan to the trust fund, and that would be enough money to pay off my other debts as well. As I consider that a possibility, I find myself waiting.

We've all done what we could, and now we just have to wait until the decision is made.

For me, the stakes are much higher than they are for everyone else. This isn't just half a million dollars. The money would actually get me out of this jam.

When the sun starts to feel way too hot, I sit up and head back into the water to cool off.

I do a few more laps, going nowhere in particular, and my muscles get weary and tired.

I see someone in the distance headed toward me.

I squint, but the sun is too blinding, and I don't have my sunglasses.

I wave in the general direction, and when the person doesn’t respond, I turn toward the path leading to the house.

"Dante, wait!” she yells.



I arrive in the Hamptons against my will.

Allison is making a strong argument for it, but I’m not excited.

I'm still not set on going to this party at The Redemption. Though a quick beach holiday sounds like something that I really need in my life right now. I haven't been to the ocean in a while. And Allison did rent us a very nice one bedroom Airbnb cottage. It's a guest house on an estate two blocks away from the beach.

And it's already ridiculously expensive and barely affordable, but I decide to go for it. Even if I do say no to the party, it'll be nice to at least hang out and have a change of scenery, maybe have a little bonfire on the beach, go swimming, and just get some sun.

We take the train over and then get an Uber to take us the rest of the way. There's a lot of traffic everywhere, which is pretty expected for a Friday in the Hamptons in the summertime. This seems to be the place where all of New York goes to escape the heat from the asphalt and to let loose.

There are different pockets in different neighborhoods, all separated by interests, vices, and affordability.

There are the huge mansions right on the water that host their white parties with Lamborghinis and Maseratis outside. And then there are the flop houses that college kids pile into, twenty or thirty at a time, and party for six weeks straight.

When we finally pull up to the gate, Allison enters the code and the iron rod gates open before us.

"Are you sure we can just come in here?" I say, staring at the big spacious Tudor-style home.

"Yeah, that's what the directions say. Apparently, the owners aren't home today."

We park up front and carry our bags and supplies to the guest house right next to the pool. It's a small space and Allison and I agree to share the room so that neither of us has to sleep on the couch.

I'm drenched in sweat and completely exhausted by the time I plop down on the bed. Luckily the air conditioning has been on, so the place is cool. I put our food away into the small mini-fridge, eyeing the hot plate, while Allison sits down on the couch and starts to figure out the places to go for dinner and the location of tomorrow’s party.

"I'm going to go to the beach," I announce.

“Now?" she asks, without lifting her eyes.

I nod. "Yeah, but I need to get in the water. It's going to feel nice after all that travel and traffic."

"Well, I'm going to stay here and cool off, it's way too hot."

“Hence, the ocean," I point out, but don't push it.

Actually, I kind of want some alone time. This whole week she hasn't

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