Dark Redemption - Charlotte Byrd Page 0,11

is sick, so I'm visiting her."

"Oh.” I nod.

Suddenly the reality of what he's going through hits me a little too hard. I want to ask about his mom, but this isn't what tonight is supposed to be about.

"I'd rather not talk about my real life, if you don't mind," Logan says, giving me a wink. "I'm here to let loose, have a little fun, nothing serious. I know that makes me sound kind of like a dick, but that's all I can handle right now."

I nod again, and then reach over and kiss him. Clearly taking him by surprise, it takes him a moment to kiss me back.

His lips feel soft, nice on mine, and I like the way he tilts me back, supporting the small of my back.

His fingers sweep up my neck, just along my jawline, and I feel just a little bit of the shivers going down.

When we pull away, he asks, "Do you want to get out of here?" I nod.

He grabs my hand and we walk out.

"My hotel is right around the corner," he says, "if you're interested in something like that, but no pressure."

I smile again.

Yes, I am interested, I say quietly to myself.

I text Allison as soon as I know the name of the hotel. When I see the number of his room, I text again.

I've been single long enough to know that dangerous things happen and a girl has to protect herself if she wants to have a little fun. But Logan is a gentleman.

He has a suite overlooking a small park and he walks straight to the bar to pour me a drink.

"All I have here are some M&M's, pretzels, and crackers if you're hungry," he says, pulling them out of the bar.

I walk over and seductively bite my lower lip. Reaching up, I kiss him a little on the lips and just as he is about to kiss me back, I grab the M&M's out of his hand.

Laughing, he tackles me onto the bed. "You're not getting away that easily."

Once I'm under him, he cradles my head and kisses me, first on my cheeks, then on my lips, then down my neck.

Still holding the pack of M&M's in my hand, he makes it all the way down to my breasts and pulls my top down just a little bit. I let go of the candy and grab onto the sheets instead.

He kisses me again and again, running his hands up my dress.

Reaching for my panties, he tugs a little, toying with me and I laugh.

The phone rings, not his cell, but rather the digital one on the end table.

"Are you going to answer that?" I ask.

"No. It's just room service or whatever. I'll call them later."

The call gets forwarded to the answering machine.

“Mr. Robier, your wife is trying to reach you. Please give her a call as soon as you can."

He freezes and so do I.

“Your wife?” I gasp, pushing him off me.

He shakes his head.

"Your wife? You have a wife?” I repeat that word over and over again, hating the way it sounds in my mouth.

"I don't know what she's talking about," Logan says, getting flustered.

He reaches for me again, but I push him away.

"I can't believe that you're married,” I say, standing up and adjusting my clothes.

Again, he says nothing.

"Was this just one big lie?” I ask, grabbing my purse and my phone.

"Okay, so I'm married," Logan says, buttoning his shirt. "So what? You telling me you never fucked a married guy before?"

I shake my head.

"Please, don't act like I've done anything wrong."

I start to walk away to get to the front door when I stop cold in my steps.

"Of course you've done something wrong," I say, taking a few steps back and pointing my finger in his face. "You're fucking married and you're picking up someone at a bar."

"I told you I didn’t want anything serious. It's not like I lied to you."

"You're lying to your wife," I say, narrowing my eyes. "And yeah, you lied to me. You said you didn't want anything serious, but you didn't tell me a thing about being married."

"Like it will matter. Come on. I know that you're just one of those sluts that wants to get laid. There's nothing wrong with that."

"What did you call me?" The expression on his face changes, but then he glares at me and puts his chin up in the air proudly.

"Yeah, I said what I said," he says.

Before I know it, I raise my

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