Dark Possession - Aja James Page 0,50

wasn’t your type of male, Keeper,” he reminded her.

“You’re not,” she said immediately, and he barely hid a reflexive flinch.

“But we have…I guess we have chemistry,” she stated the obvious.

“So it’s a no-strings-attached fuck fest you want, Pure One?” he decided to test her mettle.

She frowned up at him, searching his eyes, which he kept casually hooded, belying the intensity he felt as he awaited her answer:

“For these three months, I am the one who will feed your blood needs. Is it so hard to believe that I also want to be the one who gives you pleasure?”

Ramses held back a shudder by sheer force of will.

Gods! Her words! So simple and forthright, yet so full of meaning. He almost stepped back from her guileless sincerity.

Instead, he turned the tables on her and went on the offensive.

“You want to please me, little sprite?” he asked in his most seductive voice.

She shivered again as if she couldn’t help it, but she maintained her verbal barbs.

“Stop calling me that. Unless you want me to call you names that you might not like too, Yogi Bear.”

A muscle ticked in Ramses’ jaw, whether from frustration or amusement, he didn’t even know himself.

“It pleases me if you’d stop talking,” he informed her.

“Not the kind of pleasure I was referring to, Big Daddy.”

He exhaled deeply for patience.

“Do you even know what you’re saying?”

“Of course. I have a book on modern slang that I’ve almost completely memorized. I do cross reference some of the terms on the Internet though, as I want to make sure I have the most current phrases at my disposal.”

Ramses didn’t know whether to groan or laugh. This female was driving him insane!

He grazed the tips of his fangs along her throat and growled.

“Silence. I wish to take my pleasure in silence.”

With alacrity, she pressed her lips together.

Slowly, as if he was doing a vertical push up against the wall, against her, he pressed his body fully along hers, branding her with his hardness and heat, before lifting away from her with his hands pressed to the wall beside her head.

She stayed mostly silent, but an erotic little sigh slipped out.

Ramses had been in a state of arousal since the moment Valentina left the chamber, leaving him and Eveline alone. Now, hearing that small sound, knowing how easily he turned her on, his “phallus elephantas” practically jumped to live up to its reputation.

“You make me so hard,” he rasped, unable to stop himself from grinding his cock into her soft belly.

She practically melted against the wall in a boneless heap, but he kept her centered where he wanted her with the support of his own body pressing strategically into hers.


She felt, all right. Her rose-red lips parted at the hot, hard brand of him against her willing, quivering softness.

She cleared her throat and croaked, “Permission to speak.”


“If I make it hard, I should take care of it.”

He lifted her up with one arm around her waist and anchored her with his erection fitted into her warm, skirt-encased notch.

“Oh, you will,” he promised, pumping his hips in hard little bursts against her.

Even fully clothed, he knew he hit her just right, rubbed her where she needed it, by the increased agitation in her breathing, little more than shallow gasps.

“Perhaps you should remove our clothes,” she instructed in a scholarly tone. “That might make ‘taking care of it’ easier.”

“Silence,” he commanded again.

She swallowed back her commentary with a strangled gurgle but said no more.

Instead, she locked her arms around his shoulders and held on tight.

He slowed his rhythm to longer glides that started with the base of his cock in the V of her thighs, to the length of his column against her core, to the plump, swollen head of him grinding against her clit with every pass. He made certain that she felt every stone-hard inch of him through their clothes.

He felt her too.

So small. So soft. So fucking tight. She’d feel like a hot, wet heaven inside. She’d clench around him until he saw stars.

He knew this beyond the shadow of a doubt.

Within seconds, the friction he created between them with his knowing, rocking hips, triggered her first orgasm.

Her eyes rounded with surprise as he stared into them, as if she wasn’t expecting it to sneak up on her so fast.

Then, as if in slow motion, a sheen of euphoria glazed over her irises, and her lids came down. Her lips parted on a breathy moan, and her head flopped back against the

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