Dark Peril Page 0,150

him, waiting until she snuggled into him. Thank you for your trust. I will always hold it as a precious gift from you.

She rubbed her chin along his chest, and then nuzzled against his throat. "You say things that turn me inside out, Dominic." She swallowed hard. "I didn't know a man could be like you."

"I am perfectly fine with you thinking that." And he was. His woman was his alone, and he liked that no one else ever saw this side of her. She reserved her trust and faith for him.

"I don't think I'll ever be able to move again," she said, one hand sliding up his chest to curl around his throat. "Does it get better than this? Because if it does, I won't live through it."

He laughed softly. "You will live. I will see to that. Because I intend to repeat this experience as often as possible."

"Of course you do."

"But without the condom. I want to feel every inch of you surrounding me." He allowed his body to slip from hers.

"I told you the parasites would avoid contact with me."

"I refuse to take a chance."

Silence greeted his statement, although he detected a slight moue with her lips.

"Did you just roll your eyes?" he demanded.

She laughed softly. "It could have happened," she admitted.

He rolled her over abruptly, pinning her body beneath his, his expression stern as he looked down into her laughing face. His hands framed her face and he kissed her. It wasn't what he meant to do, but he couldn't help himself. She was so beautiful to him, so miraculous. Solange Sangria Dragonseeker. His.

He loved her mouth, the taste of her, the heat of her, the long, drugging kisses she never pulled away from. She opened herself to him, kissing him back over and over until they both ran out of breath and he collapsed on top of her again.

Her laughter bubbled up and she pushed at his heavy body. "You're crushing me."

"I know, but I cannot move."

She tried to shove him, but laughter rumbled in his chest and he didn't budge. He nuzzled her neck. "Were you trying to move?"

"I'm waking the kitten and he's going to pounce on your bare butt."

He rolled again, with more haste than grace. The thought of the shadow cat's claws getting anywhere near certain parts of his anatomy were enough to scare any man, even a Carpathian warrior.

She smirked. "You're such a baby. Let me up. We really have to wake him and figure out how we're going to feed him."

He reluctantly allowed his arms to slide away, releasing her. Solange stood up on shaky legs, smiling down at him. She robbed him of breath. Her body gleamed with a fine sheen from their lovemaking. He loved that she didn't attempt to cover herself. Her breasts stood out proudly, and he could see the marks left by his teeth and mouth and hands. Her hair was wildly disheveled and her mouth a bit swollen from his kisses. She looked like she'd been thoroughly made love to, but he wanted to see his seed running down the inside of her thighs.

"I love looking at you," he said, sitting up.

"I know," she answered, a satisfactory purr in her voice. She stepped into the pool and rinsed off.

Dominic, fully clothed, waited for her with a warm towel. "I will have to go hunt," he said. "And do some scouting."

"I'll go with you, but I want to take care of the cub first."

"There is no need this evening," he countered. "I can look and figure out the distance you will need to be away from the vampires in order to keep the parasites silent." He rubbed the water drops from her skin, wanting to lick them off. Already his body was stirring. The tight clasp of her body combined with her scorching heat was addicting, and he would never be sated, no matter how many times he took her. And he intended to take her a million times.

Solange dressed in the short emerald green ladder dress. He loved the way the slinky material clung to the outsides of her breasts yet bared them to him. He couldn't resist caressing the light weight just to feel her softness against his palm. His fingers rolled and tugged her nipples until they were hard little beads.

"You're going to make me damp and needy all over again," she warned.

"I want you that way. If I could, I would have you in a continual state of arousal. When

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