Dark Obsession (Vampire Royals of New York #3) - Sarah Piper Page 0,85

her father, there was no such thing as too much. Too much pain, too much fear, too much death—Travis deserved it all.

“Charlotte,” Dorian said again, “I will back you up on anything. You must know that. But I also promised you if you lost your footing, I’d help you find your way back.” He reached up and tucked a lock of hair behind her ear. “This isn’t you. You’re not a murderer. Come back, love. Come back to me.”

Charley closed her eyes, not wanting to see the love in his. Not wanting to see the disappointment if she didn’t obey.

You’re not a murderer…

The words reverberated through her mind, hitting her again and again until they finally broke through the bloodlust, the vengeance, the grief.

But the voice in her head wasn’t just Dorian’s.

Suddenly, she heard Rogozin too.

Revenge… It does not fill hole inside you. It only leads to more holes.

Charley’s resolve wavered. Could she do this? Kill a human being—even a piece of shit human being like Travis? He certainly deserved it.

But in the end, Dorian was right. Charley may have worn a lot of masks in her life, taken on a lot of fake identities to get what she needed. But she wasn’t a killer. Not of humans.

Killing Travis meant her uncle had won. That he’d given her one more role to play, turning her into a vicious murderer.

Slowly, she came back to herself. Slowly, she pulled away from the vein and stepped back from the couch. Back from the precipice.

Beside her, Dorian let out a breath and got to his feet.

“Okay?” he whispered, and she nodded.

She was okay. She wouldn’t kill him.

But she wouldn’t leave him unscathed, either. Not after what he’d done to her.

She hovered over the half-spent body before her, gazing into his eyes once more.

In a soft, hypnotic voice, she said,

“I want you to sit here in this apartment and rot, Travis. If by some miracle you survive the night, if by some miracle you ever make it out of here, I want you to remember this moment. Every day you wake up, every time you jerk off, every time you think to hurt another woman, I want you to remember me. Remember what I did to you tonight. Remember what I can still do to you, any damn day I please. You will live with that fear. That uncertainly. The constant looking over your shoulder, wondering just how close death really is, because that’s what I’ve lived with ever since you put a bullet in my father’s head.”

She stood up again and wiped the blood from her mouth.

Glancing once more at Dorian, she nodded and held her hand out.

Dorian cupped her face, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead. Then, with complete trust, he handed over the Blade of Azerius.

Rudy screamed behind the duct tape.

“What’s that, asshole?” Dorian asked. “I don’t think she quite heard you.” He tore the tape from Rudy’s mouth, and her uncle continued mid-rant, as though he hadn’t even realized he’d been muzzled.

“…practically raised you!” Rudy shouted. His eyes were demon black, his watch lost in the struggle, but Charley was no longer afraid of him. Even without the blade, she finally saw her uncle for the desperate, pathetic stain that he was.

“Paid your bills,” he continued. “Bought your clothes. Kept a roof over your head after your father died. He was the one who sold you out to Azerius! He was the one who made the deal!”

“Because you fucked around with demons and backed him into a corner,” she said calmly, refusing to let him get under her skin. “He did it to save our lives. And even that wasn’t enough for you.”

She pressed the tip of the blade to his throat, stopping just short of breaking the skin.

“We’re supposed to be family, Charlotte,” his voice breaking now, his black eyes full of desperation.

At the mention of the word family, Charley felt that hot coal ignite in her belly again, but she tamped it down. She wouldn’t give Rudy the satisfaction of unloading on him—she’d given away too much of herself already.

Never again, asshole.

“Charlotte!” he shouted. “Think about what you’re doing here. Please!”

“No,” she said. It was a single word, spoken just above a whisper.

It felt like the first time she’d ever said it to Rudy, yet she knew it was the very last thing she’d ever give the man.

“Are… are you going to kill me?” he whimpered. “You said you weren’t a killer.”

Charley stared down at the pathetic man

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