Dark Obsession (Vampire Royals of New York #3) - Sarah Piper Page 0,72

she asked, her voice trembling.

She and Dorian were huddled together at the kitchen table, Charley staring down at the glass of cold blood before her. The scent didn’t stir her senses to life, didn’t make her mouth water in anticipation.

It only made her gag.

“Just for the first few days,” he said. “You’ll get used to the cravings and learn how to modulate them by alternating with regular food. Eventually you’ll only need to feed about once per week. But Charlotte, you really do need to drink this. It’s been hours since you’ve turned—you won’t be able to go much longer without human blood.”

She lifted the glass to her lips again, her stomach churning. The moment the liquid touched her tongue, her throat closed up again.

“It’s all right, love,” Dorian said patiently. “Just a few sips, and then I’ll fix us a snack.”


He smiled. “With extra whipped cream.”

Charley nodded, determined to see this through. It was just a little blood, for fuck’s sake. She’s the one that wanted to become a vampire so badly.

Get over yourself, girl!

With a shaky hand, she picked up the glass again, held her breath, and tipped half of it into her mouth, swallowing it down in a single gulp.

Her eyes watered, and she gagged again, struggling to keep the contents down.

Somehow, she managed—but just barely.

When she finally met Dorian’s eyes again, he was holding back a smile.

“What is so funny?” she demanded. “That stuff is horrendous. Why didn’t vampires pick something better as their fuel source? Like hot chocolate or, I don’t know. Whiskey. Hell, at this point I’d rather drink curdled milk.”

“Bagged blood is an acquired taste.”

A shudder wracked her body, and she wrinkled her nose, wondering how long it would take her to acquire it.

“Well, I guess we’ve ruled that out.” Dorian finally let loose a laugh. “It was worth a try.”

“What else can I do, though? You said I need to feed on human blood.”

He took her abandoned glass and downed the last of it, then said, “I’ll arrange for a blood donor for you.”

“A human, you mean? A live human?”

“A consenting live human, but yes. Donors provide a service for which they’re well paid.”

“But you don’t feed that way.”

“It’s… not something I wish to get accustomed to again. But it’s not an issue for my brothers or Aiden. You’ll likely find it much more palatable then—”

“Dorian, I don’t…” She closed her eyes. As hungry as she was… no. The thought alone made her stomach turn even worse than the cold blood. She understood it was a natural urge for her now—for all vampires—and she wasn’t judging any who went that route. Hell, maybe she’d change her mind eventually too.

But right now, she just couldn’t bring her brain around to the idea of sinking her fangs into another human being and drinking their blood. Consensual or not, it just didn’t feel right.

“I don’t want that,” she said softly, shame heating her cheeks. She cursed herself, feeling like a spoiled child. What the hell was she expecting? “I’m sorry, Dorian. I don’t mean to be so difficult. I’ll figure something out.”

“Charlotte, there’s no need to apologize. This is all new to you. It’s going to take a bit of time, is all. Right now, I just need to ensure you’re getting the nutrients you need.”

He slid his fingers beneath her chin and tipped her face up, bringing his mouth down to meet her lips in a soft, reassuring kiss.

“I’m right here, love,” he whispered, just like he had earlier. Then, tracing his thumb across her lips, “I’ve an idea. I’ll crack open another blood bag and fix us both a nightcap.”

“Can you add some extra gin to mine? Like, mostly gin, with just a splash of the red stuff?”

Dorian laughed. “If you think it will help.”

“Certainly can’t hurt.”

An hour later, Charley had it all figured out.

A few quick sips of blood, followed by a shot. As a vampire, she now had a high tolerance for alcohol, so she could handle a bit of mix-n-match, especially if it helped her get used to the taste of her new primary food source.

They were sitting in the butter-soft leather chairs in the study again—one of her favorite spots in the manor, second only to Dorian’s bed. She had no idea where the other Ravenswood occupants were, but for now, she was closed away with her vampire king, slowly coming to terms with her new form.

Her new forever.

She was a vampire. A fucking vampire.

She still couldn’t believe it.


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