Dark Obsession (Vampire Royals of New York #3) - Sarah Piper Page 0,7

explain why he’s becoming so unhinged. I’m telling you, guys. He never used to be so sloppy and erratic.”

“I suppose it’s possible. I’ve never encountered a host before.” Aiden looked to Cole. “You?”

“Nah, but I don’t get out much. Matter of fact, hangin’ out with you fuckers is the most excitement I’ve had in decades.”

Aiden lifted his mug and smiled. “Cheers, then.”

“There’s something else,” Charley said. “At one point, Silas said he wanted to end me right there, but Rudy called him off. He said something about how I wasn’t theirs to end.”

“Do you think he was referring to the grays?” Aiden asked.

“I did at first, but that makes no sense. Rudy doesn’t want me dead at all. He needs me—he still thinks I’m helping with the Ravenswood job. Otherwise, why use Sasha as leverage if he was only going to let the grays kill me before the heist?”

“So either Silas changed the play at the last minute,” Aiden said, “or they were simply trying to frighten you.”

“That’s a hell of a risk just for a scare. If those grays had gotten into the dumpster…” Charley shuddered, then reached for the whiskey again. Right now, it was the only thing steadying her nerves. “Anyway, why did they want me to see the grays at all? They’d have to know I’d freak out, right? Rudy wants me focused on the job, not questioning my sanity.”

“Which means he probably assumed Dorian would compel you to forget the gray attack,” Aiden said. “Rudy’s a demon host working with vampires. He must know Dorian isn’t human. He must’ve known all along.”

“Then he’s also assuming I don’t know Dorian’s true nature.” Charley let out a bitter laugh. “Rudy probably thinks I’d run away with my tail between my legs if I knew vampires existed.”

“Your uncle underestimates you, Charlotte,” Aiden said. “A mistake he’ll live to regret, I’m certain.”

“You two got some nice theories,” Cole said, “but something tells me this ain’t about you, Charles.”

Charley cocked an eyebrow. “Charles, huh?”

“Just tryin’ it out,” Cole said with a teasing smile. “You good?”

“Actually, yes. I like it.”

“Figured you would.” Cole topped off her tea with another splash of whiskey, then took another swig. “Anyway, it was a setup—you got that right. All so those demonic dickheads could watch us in action.”

“I’m not following,” she said.

“Right before you and Red split up, he was ambushed by a Rogozin demon and two Duchanes bloodsuckers, yeah?”

Charley nodded. “That’s how I ended up alone outside Perk. Dorian was dealing with the ambush, and I ran ahead to find Sasha. That’s when Silas tossed my ass into the limo.”

“They knew your man was close,” Cole continued. “Knew he’d track you down as soon as he dealt with his attackers. They just needed enough time to threaten you, scare you shitless, and dump you in that other alley, where the grays were already on standby.”

“They wanted to see how we’d deal with the grays.” Aiden’s eyes widened with the realization. “Like a football team watching their rivals’ old games.”

“Which means those sonofabitches are planning something even bigger,” Cole said. “And now they know just what we’re bringing to the party.”

“Do you have any idea where Rudy might be holding Sasha?” Aiden asked gently. “Any other properties aside from his residence? Other associates who might have a place for them to hole up?”

“She could be anywhere, Aiden. Especially now that we know he’s a demon. That opens up a whole new world of horrifying possibilities. God.” Charley closed her eyes, willing herself not to cry. She’d been doing so well with the whole compartmentalizing thing, but all those fears and worries were doing their damnedest to break out of the box. “What if she’s hurt? What if Rudy—”

Aiden gripped her hand, cutting her off. “Your sister is clever and tough, just like you. I’ve no doubts she’s already making them rue the day they decided to mess with her. And just wait until we get hold of them. Talk about ruing the day.”

When Charley opened her eyes again, Aiden gave her a soft smile.

“We’ll find her, Charlotte. You have my word.”

“I know,” she said, if only because there was no room in her brain for any other possibility. Then, with a surge of renewed determination, “The original plan stands. We’ll hit Estas’ place in Woodstock tomorrow, see what intel we can find.”

“Let’s wait and talk to Dorian,” Aiden said. “I’m certain he’ll—”

“Try to talk me out of it, most likely. Unfortunately for that bossy vampire,

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