Dark Obsession (Vampire Royals of New York #3) - Sarah Piper Page 0,48

truly are. Then we spend the whole of our existence trying to crawl back to some semblance of our true selves. Putting the pieces back together? That’s what shows us who we really are—the rebuilding of a life from its smoldering ruins. So what you need to ask yourself is this: You’re on your hands and knees, love. Now how much fire and broken glass are you really willing to crawl through to get back?”

“As much as I have to, Dorian. Because this is the worst hour of my life. My sister’s been kidnapped by the man who murdered my father, my soul’s been claimed by a demon, and the man I love—the vampire I love—is facing threats from supernaturals I didn’t even know existed a month ago, including one of his own brothers.” Charley released Dorian’s hands and cupped his face. “I am in love with you, Dorian. I’ll stand by your side through anything, no matter what I have to crawl through to get there. After everything we’ve been through, how could you even doubt it?”

“I don’t doubt your heart. I just don’t think you realize what you’re asking.” He pulled away from her touch and rose from the bed, crossing the room to the windows.

She stood, watching him in silence as he stared out across the lands of Ravenswood.

“I think having a choice is better,” she said.

“I know you do, but—”

“No, Dorian. Those were your words. When you told me about what happened with Adelle, you said you’d wanted to give her the choice about whether to turn. You wanted to honor her wishes.”

His shoulders tightened, and he let out a deep sigh. “That was different.”

“Why? Because I don’t deserve the same choice? Because I’m—”

“Because what I felt for her doesn’t even come close to what I feel for you.” He finally turned to face her again, his eyes blazing. “Loving you… It consumes me. I can’t lose you. I can’t watch you go through the change, knowing there’s even a chance you won’t come out on the other side.”

“Then I guess that makes you a fucking hypocrite, doesn’t it.” She crossed her arms over her chest and glared at him, heat rising inside her like a teakettle about to blow.

“I beg your pardon, but—”

“You don’t get to tell me you’re ready to sign away your soul and follow me into the depths of hell over some alleged demon contract, but then turn around and say I can’t follow you on this path—a path I’m actually choosing.”

The fire in his eyes dimmed, but only a fraction. “You’re looking for a way to beat your uncle, and I understand that. Being a vampire would give you the advantage. But—”

“This isn’t about Rudy! Don’t you get it? I’ve spent my entire life playing by other people’s fucked-up rules. You made me realize it’s okay to want things for myself. And what I want—not because of my uncle, not because of some demon lord—is to be with you. Not as a weak, terrified human who’ll one day die and leave you behind, but as a vampire.”

“Charlotte, you can’t just—”

“You said signing your soul away to follow me to hell would be your very last act on this earth. Well, maybe becoming a vampire is my very last act.”

“Wonderful. And if the demon comes to claim your soul next week?”

“Then I would’ve gotten a whole week to live under my own rules. To be something I wanted to be. To claim something all for myself.”

All the fire returned to his eyes, and he shoved a hand through his hair, pacing the room like a caged beast. “Have you given this more than a moment’s thought? Do you have any idea—any bloody idea—what your life would be like as a vampire? You can never have children, or—”

“I’ve never wanted children.”

“What about the part where you have to drink human blood to survive?”

That particular detail still made her a bit queasy, but she shrugged, feigning nonchalance. “It’s a food source like any other.”

In a blur, Dorian was in her space again, gripping her arm and jerking her wrist against his mouth.

Charley gasped at the sudden contact, her heart thudding, her skin heating at the touch of his lips.

The memory of the last time he’d bit her filled her with a dark, delicious ache.

“Do it,” she whispered, daring him, begging him, trembling in anticipation of his exquisite bite.

Dorian dragged his lips over the sensitive skin, his tongue darting out to tease her. Then, with

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