Dark Obsession (Vampire Royals of New York #3) - Sarah Piper Page 0,43

like he was the damn fairy godfather about to grant her every wish. “I thought you might appreciate a reminder about why you’re doing this. An important reminder, just in case you get any ideas about alerting Redthorne or the authorities.”

Before Charley could utter a single reassurance, Rudy conferenced in a video call from an unknown number, and the screen switched to an image of a blank white wall without a single identifying mark or shadow to be found.

There was a muffled sound from the new caller, and suddenly the screen filled with a sight that made Charley go boneless.

She collapsed onto her knees on the kitchen floor, tears welling in her eyes. “Sasha! Baby, are you all right?”

“Chuck?” Sasha yawned and blinked the sleep from her eyes. Her face was lined with sheet marks, but she seemed unharmed. “Oh, crap! I didn’t miss a shift, did I? Hey, you okay? Why are you crying?”

Miss a shift?

Why are you crying?

Charley glanced quickly at Dorian, then back to the screen, her heart thudding against her ribcage. “Sasha, do you know what day it is?”

“Um… Sunday? Friday?” Sasha shrugged, then let out a cute giggle. “Who even knows anymore.”

God, how Charley had longed to hear that laugh. To see that sparkle in her sister’s big blue eyes. Her color looked good, her eyes bright, her skin unmarred.

It was enough to make Charley weep with joy.

But she couldn’t, because for all the outward signs of health and vitality, something was very wrong.

Sasha wasn’t just disoriented from sleep. She was on another fucking planet.

“Did they hurt you?” Charley asked, wondering how long she had before Rudy cut her off.

Fuck, what else should she say? What intel could she ferret out before Rudy figured out her game?

She took a quick screenshot, just in case there was a clue to be found later.

“Are you okay?” she tried again, attempting a more casual tone. “Where… What are you up to?”

“Hmm?” Sasha yawned again, but it quickly trailed into another laugh. “Why wouldn’t I be okay? I’ve got Netflix and a fully stocked fridge. Are you okay? You’re acting weird. Well, weirder than usual.”

Charley forced a smile. “I’m good. I’m really good, Sash. So, um, who’s there with you?”

“Just some guys I met at Perk. No, wait…” She wrinkled her nose, her brow furrowed in concentration. “Actually, I think I met them in class? Yeah, it was probably in class. Everyone is super nice. Hey, you should totally come over later!” Sasha beamed, then glanced at something across the room and nodded. “But listen, Chuck. I need to get going. We’re just about to start an Originals rewatch, and Klaus Mikaelson waits for no woman. Call you later?”

“Sasha, wait! I—”

The call disconnected, and Rudy’s evil face filled her screen once again.

“See?” he said. “The little bitch is just fine. No harm, no foul.”

“Fine? She doesn’t even realize what’s going on!” Charley closed her eyes, willing herself not to freak out.

There was only one explanation why Sasha would be acting so bizarre.

They’d compelled her. They’d fucking compelled her to think being kidnapped and kept prisoner was totally normal. Fun, even.

Charley couldn’t let on that she knew about vampire compulsion, but she had to say something. Rudy would get suspicious otherwise.

“Did you drug my sister?” she asked.

Rudy laughed that machine-gun cackle of his. “Why would you think that?”

“She seems to be taking this whole kidnapping thing pretty well.”

Rudy let out an irritated sigh. “Has it occurred to you, Charlotte, that Sasha is simply content? That she’s grateful to me for giving her all the things you couldn’t?”

“Rudy, please let her go. You and I can work something else out.”

“Big day’s coming up, Charlotte. Keep up the good work, and you’ll be reunited with your sister soon enough.”

Charley did her best to keep her face neutral, knowing damn well Rudy had no intentions of returning her sister. He was planning to leave the fucking country right after the heist.

But if he wasn’t going to return her, what the hell was his end game?

She took a deep breath, forcing herself to stay calm. For now, compulsion aside, it looked like he was keeping Sasha relatively safe.

Charley had no idea how much longer that would last, but it was a start.

“Everything’s on schedule,” she said. “We leave out of JFK next Friday.”

“Excellent. Hey, send me some pineapples.”

Don’t they have any in Brazil? she wanted to ask, but instead she could only nod. “Count on it.”

“I am counting on it, Charlotte. Enjoy the rest

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