Dark Obsession (Vampire Royals of New York #3) - Sarah Piper Page 0,25

there, Charlotte. If anything had happened—”

“Something did happen! You almost died!” She curled her hands into fists and closed her eyes. “God, Dorian! You’re the most obstinate, demanding, pig-headed vampire I’ve ever met! Does it ever get old, acting like you’re untouchable?”

“You tell me. You’re the one who seems to have a death wish. Either that, or you’ve spent so much time at Ravenswood, you suddenly believe you’re immortal.”

She opened her eyes to look at him again, her gaze fiery. “I know I’m not immortal. And contrary to what you might think, I don’t have a death wish. But when someone I love is in danger? You bet your immortal bloodsucking ass I’m going to fight for them.”

“It won’t do anyone a damn bit of good if you’re dead.”

“So I should do nothing? Is that what you would do?”

“We’re not talking about me. We’re talking about you.”

Tears of frustration brimmed in her eyes, her copper irises glittering in the darkness as she continued to glare at him. Glare through him.

When she spoke again, her voice trembled with passion.

“My sister was taken, Dorian, and I wasn’t there to protect her. A demon very nearly incinerated you tonight—so yes, I took a risk. I did what I had to do. You can call it reckless or a death wish or batshit crazy if you want to, but that won’t change how I feel. It won’t change the fact that I’d do it a hundred times over if it gave me even a one percent shot at keeping you safe.”

“Those are impossible odds.”

“One percent is still a chance, Dorian. One I’ll take over the alternative every damn night of the week.”

The tears finally spilled, streaking down her cheeks and cracking through the last of Dorian’s anger.

Charlotte was only fighting for the people she cared about.

For Sasha. For Cole and Aiden.

For him.

Hadn’t he sworn to do the same? Hadn’t he been doing the same? As a king, as a prince, as a mortal man… Dorian hadn’t always succeeded at keeping his loved ones safe, but he’d damn well tried.

He was still trying.

How could he take that away from Charlotte?

“You’re… right,” he finally managed, letting out a deep sigh. His lungs had finally healed—something he could only appreciate because of her. “I owe you a thank you, Charlotte. And an apology.” He reached out and cupped her face, brushing away her tears with his thumbs. Through a soft smile, he said, “I suppose I’m still getting used to the idea that I can’t keep you in a bubble. With extra padding and a bevy of armed guards, locked away in a castle, surrounded by a moat filled with sharks. And lava. And perhaps a few crocodiles, just to be safe. Oh, and a German Shepherd. I hear they’re fierce protectors.”

This finally got a smile in return—a sight that instantly made up for all the arguing.

“I’d say that makes you a paranoid, overbearing psycho,” she said, “but the truth is, I’d do the same thing for my sister.”

“Sasha would no more allow it than you, but… point taken.”

Charlotte nodded, but her smile was already fading, her eyes clouding with worry. “This night was a complete fucking disaster, and it’s all my fault.”

“We couldn’t have known Estas was planning a party, or that someone would flood the woods with more grays.”

“I should’ve planned for the possibility, though—for all possibilities. That’s how it works.” She shook her head, admonishing herself. “You were so worried about me risking my life, but what about you? You risked your life fighting off those demons. You risked your life just walking in there with me tonight, and what do we have to show for it? The grays might’ve been an outside job, but our little smash-and-grab wasn’t. Estas knows exactly what we’re up to now. How long until he clues Rudy in and we’re totally fucked?”

“Not happening. We left nothing behind. The demons found us in the basement—most likely, they’ll assume we were after the grays. Jacinda may already know we’re onto her about the amulets—it’s not a stretch to believe we tracked her to Estas’ place.”

“Dorian, I left the external drive plugged into the damn laptop.” She leaned her head back against the headrest and rolled her eyes, a defeated sigh escaping her lips. “Amateur move, D’Amico. Total fucking amateur.”

“The drive? That’s what you’re on about?”

“My father’s probably rolling over in his grave.”

“Really? Over this little bit of plastic and circuitry right here?” Dorian retrieved the drive from his pocket and

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