Dark Obsession (Vampire Royals of New York #3) - Sarah Piper Page 0,23

to do just that.


The demon smirked, and suddenly Dorian dropped to his knees, clutching frantically at his chest.

“I don’t think so, bitch.” Charley hit the gas and headed straight for the backyard. Plowing through a knot of grays, she smashed into the demon head on, sending her flying into a tree.

Charley leaned across the seat and opened the passenger door. “Aiden! Get in!”

Aiden hauled Dorian to his feet and tossed him into the passenger seat, then whistled for Cole. He opened the back door just in time for the wolf to leap in, then jumped in after him.

Dorian coughed, struggling to catch his breath. The scent of smoke and burning flesh filled the car.

Three more demons were heading straight for them.

“Drive!” Aiden shouted.

Charley didn’t need to be told twice. She slammed the Bimmer into reverse and backed out onto the road, then rocketed the fuck out of there.

Seconds later, a pair of headlight beams blasted through the back window.

“We’ve got a tail!” she said.

Aiden turned around to look. “Keep driving. They’ll fuck off eventually.”

Charley nodded and gave the car a little more gas, zooming them up a steep mountain incline. They’d just crested the top of the hill and began their descent down the backside when the next fucking obstacle course came into view.

“What the hell is that?” She downshifted, slowing the engine. In the curve of the road a few hundred feet ahead, a cluster of pale, writhing bodies blocked the way.

“More grays,” Aiden said. “They’re everywhere.”

Behind them, the headlights reappeared, quickly gaining ground.

“Don’t stop,” Aiden said. “We’ll have to go through them.”

But she couldn’t—there were too many. A head-on impact at their current speed would either set off the airbags, flip the car, or worse—send it careening off the side of the narrow mountain road.

But they couldn’t stop either. Not unless they wanted to be hell-roasted by those demons.

“Hold on, boys.” Charley whispered a quick prayer to anyone who might be listening and switched the car to rear-wheel drive mode. As they hit the curve, she cut the wheel and smashed the accelerator, forcing the Bimmer’s back end to drift forward. They slid into the curve sideways, clipping a few of the grays with the rear bumper before Charley jerked the steering wheel back in place and corrected course.

The smell of burning rubber filled the air.

Clear of the worst of them, she hit the gas on the straightaway and blasted the fuck out of there, glancing into the rearview just as the demon car behind them plowed into the grays.

Whether they flipped into a ditch or sailed right off the fucking mountain, Charley wasn’t sticking around to find out.

When they finally cleared the worst of the danger, Cole shifted into his human form—a sight she wouldn’t have believed if she hadn’t caught it in the rearview.

“Cole?” An insane laugh escaped her lips—the kind that could only come from saving one’s friends from a demon attack, surviving a few near-death experiences, and watching a wolf transform into a naked man, his bare ass gracing Dorian’s fine leather seats.

Cole clapped a rough hand over her shoulder and gave her a shake. “Charles. Ain’t you a sight for sore eyes.”

“One more minute and you would’ve been a sight for dead eyes,” Aiden said. “Bloody hell, Charlotte. Thank you for completely ignoring my request to return to Ravenswood.”

“What did I tell you?” Charley wriggled her thumbs. “These babies were not made for sticking up my ass.”

The guys laughed, but Dorian only coughed.

She reached over and placed a hand on his thigh, his muscle twitching beneath her touch. After a beat, he covered her hand with his, squeezing tight.

Charley finally let out a breath. It felt like she’d been holding it ever since she’d seen that ginger bitch drop her man with hellfire.

Thank God he’s okay…

“Do you think the demons will come after us again?” she asked, casting another glance in the rearview.

“Not if they want to keep their cocks attached,” Aiden said. “Chasing us off the property is one thing, but none of those demons want to launch an all-out assault against the vampire king. My guess is they’re regrouping, though. Definitely reporting back to Rogozin tonight.”

“That doesn’t sound good,” she said.

“It ain’t,” Cole said. “But we certainly didn’t start that fire.”

“Technically we did,” Aiden said. “Rather I did, when I blew up the propane tank and turned Estas’ little party into a barbecue.”

“You ask me, this fight was a long time comin’,” Cole said. “And we ain’t the ones who let

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