Dark Obsession (Vampire Royals of New York #3) - Sarah Piper Page 0,12

chasing after the woman with all the cockiness his heartbreakingly good looks afforded.

“I apologize,” Dorian said to Isabelle. “My brother is a bit touchy when it comes to witches. He’s never quite forgiven himself for needing them.”

“Please don’t apologize. Gabriel’s feelings toward me are merely a symptom of a much deeper issue. Issues, actually. He’s… got a lot of inner work to do.”

“I suppose you would know.” Dorian smiled, but a new wave of sadness rose inside him. Trying to hold on to a connection with his brother—even one brought about by something as dark and brutal as torture—felt like trying to hold on to the wind itself.

As for the torture…

Dorian sighed. He had no love for demons, and he’d do it again in a heartbeat if it meant protecting the people he cared about.

But out here in the bright, beautiful afternoon, surrounded by the rush of cars and pizza delivery bicycles and parents pushing strollers into their favorite shops and bakeries, his stomach churned nevertheless.

“Isabelle, what happened in there…” Dorian shook his head, shame heating his skin. “I don’t know how much you saw or heard, but I—”

She held up a hand, cutting him off. “It’s not my place to judge, Dorian. I said I’d have your back, and I meant it. But if we’re going to continue working together, I’m afraid I do have one condition.”

Dorian closed his eyes, already knowing what she was going to say.

Knowing he’d hate it.

Knowing she was absolutely right.

“Is this the part where I beg you for a sugar-covered shitcake and we pretend everything’s all right?” he asked.

“No, Dorian.” She took his hands, imploring him with her wise, penetrating gaze. “This is the part where you go home and tell the woman you love the truth about her soul.”

Chapter Six

“Dorian?” Charley sat up in bed, blinking as her eyes adjusted to the darkness. “What… what time is it?”

Her vampire was sitting in a chair at the bedside, dressed in nothing but a pair of black silk pajama pants. Her gaze trailed up along the smooth, rigid planes of his abs and chest to his beautiful face, where she could just make out his features—the sharp lines of his jaw, the sweep of dark hair that fell over his forehead, the soulful eyes that glittered in the darkness.

Damn. Dorian Redthorne truly was a marvel. Day or night, Charley would never tire of looking at him.

But she could tell, even in the pitch black of the bedroom, something was wrong.

“After midnight,” he said softly, then came to sit on the edge of the bed, so invitingly close the heat from his bare chest radiated against her skin.

“I missed you,” she whispered.

“Charlotte, I…” He cupped her face, his eyes glazing with emotion. “I need to tell you something. It’s important.”

“Did you get a lead on Sasha?”

“No. This is… something else. I... It’s…” He trailed off into a heavy sigh, his breath stirring the hair around her face.

She waited for him to continue, but he seemed totally lost, adrift on his own dark thoughts.

“I thought you’d be back this afternoon,” she said, doing her best to hide the new fear coursing through her veins.

Dorian seemed to be carrying enough of it for both of them.

“I’m sorry. I… I had business in the city. I meant to return straightaway, but then I decided to pick up a few things, and after that I was just… driving. Trying to clear my head, but I…” He was looking right at her, but somehow not, as if he’d floated away to another realm and left his body behind.

“You’re here now. That’s what matters.” She ran her fingers through his hair and down along his jawline, and he closed his eyes, leaning into her touch and letting out a soft hum of pleasure.

“You’ve no idea how much I was looking forward to that,” he whispered.

“Me too.” Charley continued stroking his skin, her thumb running back and forth over his earlobe. “How long have you been home? You should’ve woken me up.”

Dorian turned and pressed a kiss to her wrist. “You needed the rest. Besides, I quite like watching you sleep. It calms me.”

“Hmm. I can’t decide if that makes it sound less creepy or more.”

“Oh, I can be very creepy when properly provoked, Ms. D’Amico.” Dorian winked, then wrapped her in his arms, holding her so tight it almost hurt to breathe.

Despite the light teasing, he was still so tense.

What are you not telling me?

Charley traced her fingers over the taut forearm

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