Dark Obsession (Vampire Royals of New York #3) - Sarah Piper Page 0,10


“Nah, that’s bloodsucker domain. Too much trouble. Rogozin wants to expand our enterprise in the boroughs, maybe set up shop in a few more states.”

“Chernikov’s territory?” Dorian glared at him, shocked at the revelation. The two factions had a lifelong rivalry, but going after Chernikov’s holdings was a suicide mission, even for the most powerful demons. “Rogozin wants to make a play against bloody Chernikov?”

The demon shot him a one-eyed glare, his silence all the confirmation Dorian needed.

“Is he looking to start a war?” Dorian asked.

“Look, you didn’t hear it from me, okay? But Chernikov… He’s been ramping shit up in a big way. Pushing his guys to close more deals, giving them quotas for souls. Rogozin doesn’t like it.”

“Well, Chernikov is top dog for a reason. You don’t get there by resting on your laurels, Jordy.”

“This is different. Bigger.”


He clammed up again, lowering his gaze.

Dorian was nearly out of patience. “What do you know of a man called Rudy D’Amico?”

The demon’s face paled behind the wounds. “I… nothing. I mean, I’m not—”

“Are you familiar with a vampire called Silas?”


“Were you or were you not involved in the kidnapping of the human girl? One who’s safety and wellbeing are extremely important to me?”

“Look, guys. I don’t know where you’re getting your intel, but all this shit is way above my pay grade. I never heard of a vampire named Silas. And all I know about D’Amico is he’s some kind of demon thief who’s got a lead on something the boss wants real bad.”

Dorian’s heart sputtered. Was he referring to Charlotte? To her soul? Was it Rudy who’d brokered the deal with the demon lord, selling out his own niece for a better position in hell’s ultimate army?

“What something?” Dorian demanded.

“Again, above my pay grade.”

“Is there anything not above your pay grade, you worthless fuck?” Dorian kicked his chair, and the demon flinched. “You report directly to Rogozin, do you not?”


“Who does Rogozin report to?”

“The fuck you think?”

“I think,” Dorian said, leaning in close, “you and your brethren should’ve spent less time stealing cars and more time studying the Shadow Accords. If you had, perhaps you would’ve known to show some deference to me today, and you’d be walking out of here with your balls still attached. Alas…”

Dorian nodded at Gabriel, who cranked up the flame and shoved it near the demon’s crotch, just shy of his most prized possession.

“I don’t know their names!” Jordan cried, desperately inching away from the terrible blue flame. “They’re demon lords, okay? They don’t fuck around with our business. They’re just a bunch of stuck-up cocksuckers who never leave hell. Half the guys say they don’t even exist.”

“And how does one communicate with a demon lord?” Dorian asked. “Assuming they do, in fact, exist—which is more than I can say for your cock if I don’t like your answer.”

“You don’t communicate with them, man! They communicate with you, if and when they choose. But I told you—they don’t give a rat’s ass about anyone here on the earthly plane, so if you’re after a hot date with the elites of hell, good fucking luck.”

Dorian exchanged another quick glance with Gabriel, who nodded in return. They were on the same page. The interview was officially over.

“Thank you, Jordan,” Dorian said, “for your utter uselessness. I’m afraid this is where we part ways, by which I mean we’ll now be parting your essence from your vessel.”

“What? But I told you everything I know! I cooperated! Let me go!”

“Let you go?” Dorian laughed. “What ever would I do for lunch? Torture leaves me quite famished, I’m afraid.”

“Why are you doing this?”

“Should we tell him, brother?” Dorian asked Gabriel, unable to deny the urge to further taunt the bastard.

“Give him the multiple choice answers,” Gabriel said. “I love making them guess.”

“Oh, very well.” Dorian let out a put-upon sigh. “Why am I doing this, Jordan? Is it… A—because I’m the vampire king, B—because I’m hungry, C—because I can, or D—all of the above?”

“What? I don’t—”

“Tick-tock, Jordy. Best guess.” Dorian flashed a benevolent smile, and without awaiting Jordan’s final answer, sank his fangs into the demon’s neck.

The bastard fought hard for a moment, but Dorian truly was B—hungry, and in the span of thirty seconds, he drained his prey dry.

Just before the heartbeat finally stalled out, Dorian tore the body from its chains and launched it into the wall, unlocking its soul from the temporary prison of the devil’s trap.

Thanks to Isabelle’s handiwork, before the body even hit the

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