Dark Nights - By Christine Feehan Page 0,96

was unprotected. He had no choice but to rely on Joie’s brother, Jubal.

He entered Joie’s body as white healing energy, reaching for her spirit to lock her to him so she had no chance to slip away before he completed the complicated task of healing her from the inside out.

Her neck was the worst, the artery needing to be sealed before anything else. It took time, precious time he didn’t have. It was more difficult than he had thought to keep from being in the present, aware of time ticking away and her spirit sliding further from him as he worked.

She will die. You think you won, but I have killed you both. The voice of the third master vampire slipped into his mind. The undead had taken his blood in the cave and could reach him when he chose. The voice, after seeing him, nearly convinced Traian the unknown master could be one of the Malinov brothers. He didn’t have the strength to fight the vampire and save Joie at the same time.

Unexpectedly, it was Jubal who placed himself as a shield between Traian’s mind and the vampire. You’re a coward, hiding behind insects, those supposedly less powerful than you and a few bats. You didn’t capture the Carpathian hunter, your little army wore him down, but in the end he defeated them and drove you away. You can’t do a thing to him and you know it. All you have is your empty threats.

Behind the shield Jubal gave him, Traian worked quickly. The vampire sent waves of doubt and distrust, trying to build a wall between the Carpathian and the human. When he realized it wasn’t working he studied the human.

Mage-blood. He spat the accusation. You have gotten a hold in his mind. How very clever of you. You are nowhere near as strong as I am. I have only to get a hold of you and he and all who are under his protection will be mine.

Jubal laughed. I don’t really believe in you. You’re a maggot, nothing more. It’s a little difficult to take you seriously when you’re nothing but a voice threatening mayhem, but never really doing anything.

“You’re playing a very dangerous game,” Gary cautioned. “If you’re doing what I think you’re doing, Jubal.” He could feel the energy building around Jubal and read the concentration on his face.

Jubal didn’t glance at him. He kept his eyes fixed on Traian. The Carpathian grew pale before his eyes. He could actually feel the energy draining from the hunter and was determined that the vampire didn’t feel it. He kept disdain uppermost in his mind. It wasn’t that difficult. If this was the master vampire commanding all the others, he didn’t have the courage to fight his own battles. He thought himself the brains and sent his army, but in defeat, he retreated, running away because he wouldn’t fight unless he had a distinct advantage.

I will face you, the vampire offered. Come out into the night alone without your friends. We shall see who survives our meeting.

Jubal laughed softly. And leave you the ability to worm your way into the hunter’s mind when he is far too busy to bother with your endless empty threats?

Black rage was thrust into Traian’s mind, battering at Jubal. Jubal kept his eyes on the Carpathian. If the man got any whiter he was going to be translucent. Jubal wanted to follow the path of Traian’s mind to see what he was doing to Joie, but the vampire was strong and all he had to defend Traian was sarcasm, keeping the undead’s attention on him rather than pursuing his attack on Traian.

I will kill you and everyone you love. You are nothing.

Jubal gave the mental equivalent of a sigh. I think you’re actually beginning to repeat yourself. You need a few new lines. You do know this is not the only hunter in the area, don’t you? I believe they are spreading out looking for you. Sooner or later, one is bound to cross your path and then they’ll band together and track you down.

You will notice that it will take more than one.

Jubal gave a sniff of disdain. It matters little to them. You are simply a duty to them. They remove all rotting corpses from the earth when they come across them. They have nothing to prove to you or anyone else.

Traian blinked and became aware of the world around him as he slipped back into his own body. Weak,

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