Dark Nights - By Christine Feehan Page 0,83

to kill us, but other things as well.”

Gary nodded. “Sadly, it’s true. And don’t ever forget the secret society of humans that hunt and condemn various people to death and torture and kill them. This is a dangerous part of the world to live in, so if you’re going to be here, you have to learn as much as you can about protecting yourself at all times. Basically, expect the unexpected.”

Jubal pulled open the door. “I won’t have to worry about ghouls or crazy vampire hunters if we don’t eat soon. Go now!” He glared at his sisters.

Both of them laughed at him, but obediently followed Jubal into the hall and down the stairs.

Gabrielle leaned close to Gary. “Jubal is very grumpy until he eats,” she whispered overly loud so her brother could be certain to hear her. “We still call him ‘grumpy pants.’ ”

Jubal groaned. “Never have sisters. Just an FYI.”

“News flash, Jubal,” Joie said, her gaze, like his, on the few people milling around the dining room as they entered. “You adore your sisters and everyone knows it.”

“I do make you think that, otherwise you wouldn’t do my laundry for me,” Jubal pointed out smugly.

Joie noticed Gary was every bit as alert and watchful as Jubal and she were. Food was served buffet style, so they quickly got the dishes they preferred, Jubal taking plenty of healthy helpings while Joie settled for a small glass of juice. They sat down at the table nearest the door for a quick exit.

Joie frowned as her siblings ate with gusto, needing the calories after the ordeal in the ice caves. Her stomach lurched at that thought of food. She felt Gary watching her and she wrapped her fingers around the glass to forestall any attention he might draw to her sister and brother to the fact that she couldn’t eat.

“Do you live here permanently, Gary?” she asked.

He nodded. “I’m needed here. The work that I do is very valuable and there’s satisfaction in that. This species is too amazing to go extinct. There has to be a way to solve the problem of successfully carrying a baby. Besides, it’s heartbreaking to live among them, get to know them and then have one of the few women miscarry or lose her precious child.”

“I can’t imagine how painful that would be,” Gabrielle said, compassion pouring into her voice. “If you wouldn’t mind, I’d like to see what you’re doing, since I’m here anyway. Maybe I could help.”

“Usually Carpathians erase all memories of an encounter with them,” Gary said. “I was surprised that Traian hadn’t done so.”

Jubal looked up, a dark scowl on his face. “Yeah, I don’t think so. He can forget that.”

Joie kicked him under the table. “He isn’t going to do that. I’d shoot him and he knows it. Don’t be such a dork.” She saw Gary watching her, so she put the glass to her lips and took a small sip. Her stomach cramped almost instantly. She set the glass down with great care. “Do you travel much?”

Gary shrugged, shaking his head. “I’ve been on a hit list for a while now and it isn’t safe. The Carpathians protect me and in all honesty, I’m pretty focused on my work.”

“That’s the way I am when I get in a lab. Time passes and sometimes I’m there for days without sleep,” Gabrielle admitted.

Joie became aware of the exact moment the sun set. She didn’t see the orange and red hues, but in the midst of the conversation going on around her she simply knew. She felt the sudden shuddering of the earth as the vampires rose. Her heart leapt in fear.

Traian! She reached out to him. Touched him. Felt his immediate reassurance. He had not discovered the resting places of the vampires. They had not gone to ground in the cave of the mages.

“Joie?” Gabrielle touched her hand. “Are you all right?”

Jubal put down his fork and looked carefully around the room. The bracelet is heating up again, it’s merely warm, but that isn’t a good sign.

A dark shadow passed over the inn, moving fast, so that for a moment silence fell in the dining room and people looked at one another uneasily.

Gary reacted instantly. He caught Gabrielle’s wrist, rising so fast his chair fell backward. “Come with me, right now.” He tugged Gabrielle to her feet and began to weave his way through the tables, dragging her with him.

Jubal looked at his meal with regret as Joie smacked the back

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