Dark Nights - By Christine Feehan Page 0,69

place for travelers who may have mage blood running in their veins, he warned. Deliberately he didn’t look at Jubal when he sent him a quick command. Make certain no one in the bar can see the weapon that came to you in the caves.

Jubal turned, very casually and waved to them both. Gabrielle looked up, gave a glad cry, and jumped up from the small table she was sharing with her brother near the lit fireplace to run across the room to them. Behind her, the flames leapt and danced, glowing orange and gold and red. The taller man put down his drink and turned his head to follow Gabrielle’s progress.

More predator than man, Traian’s instincts sent an alarm sliding down his back. He reached out very carefully and touched the man’s mind. He liked the look of Gabrielle, but there was something about her that made him believe she was far more than she appeared and he was looking for . . . the undead. It was very obvious to Traian that the man was attracted to Gabrielle and he justified his interest by fitting the criteria given to him by others in his secret society of vampire hunters.

Women were said to be more beautiful, drawing interest wherever they went. They came out at night looking for men to seduce to do their bidding. The only women who could ever be vampires were human women who had no psychic ability that had been turned by vampires. They were clearly deranged and no one could ever mistake one. As far as Traian was concerned, they were pitiful creatures in need of sympathy and a merciful dispatch to the next realm.

Clearly the man hadn’t seen Joie yet, he was too busy ogling Gabrielle. Traian’s blood would enhance Joie’s beauty in a subtle way. He didn’t want attention drawn to her family, especially when Jubal wore the mage’s weapon. Before he stepped away from Joie, he made certain to shield her enough that she wouldn’t appear interesting to the stranger.

Joie prepared herself to be practically bowled over as her sister embraced her, hugging her with her usual enthusiasm. Looking over Gabrielle’s shoulder, she noted the man in the glasses looking past her to Traian. Recognition immediately flickered across his face, and he carefully folded the newspaper and laid it on the small table in front of him.

Traian, Joie warned. The one in the glasses, with the newspaper. Do you know him? He recognized you.

Traian sighed. Two members of the vampire hunting society in the small village close to where the prince of the Carpathian people made his home? That was too big of a coincidence for him to swallow. One might be a scout, but two meant they were hunting. The last time there was a hunt, men, women, and children were murdered, both human and Carpathian.

Joie shifted slightly to keep Gabrielle just a little behind her, her posture protective, but the two men were split, one on one side of the room while the other could control his side. Traian let his gaze drift naturally to the slender man with glasses who raised a glass to him the moment their eyes met.

He scanned the man’s mind. Clearly human, he recognized that Traian was not. To Traian’s amusement, the moment she noticed the stranger’s interest in them, Joie again shifted, gliding slightly in front of him, even as she tried to keep an eye on the taller, dark-haired man.

The rush of joy and affection, a lightening of his heart and soul, made Traian tremble. He couldn’t remember if anyone in his long lifetime had worried about him or tried to protect him. That small gesture meant the world to him because it revealed her faith in him. She’d made a leap of faith, committing herself to his life, his world.

He is not an enemy, he assured. Did we forget to discuss the fact that I am not certain I want you guarding bodies?

Really? She arched an eyebrow at him. Not even yours? I’m pretty good at it.

Traian’s eyes were on the dark-haired man, but he lifted his hand to hip level, palm down and waved off the man with the glasses just as he’d started to rise. The man immediately sank back into his chair and reached for his newspaper.

He was going to talk to you.

Not yet. I have to deal with someone else first. Visit with your brother and sister for a few minutes. Keep an eye out for trouble.


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