Dark Nights - By Christine Feehan Page 0,56

a huge owl, yet human arms held her against the soft, feathered breast. The feathers tickled her skin, and sent a shiver down her spine when she realized it was all too real. She closed her eyes trying to keep her heart rate normal, certain he would notice the difference if she didn’t. She was so aware of his every breath and couldn’t imagine that it wasn’t the same for him.

I have been unable to see beauty in my surroundings for some time. Traian looked around him. You are right, it is beautiful. Thank you for giving me such a gift.

Joie took a cautious peek around her once she had calmed her accelerated heartbeat. She was flying through the air with a man who could shift shape. Astral projection was cool, no doubt about it, but this—this was amazing. The sensation of the wind in her face, the way Traian could drop down low and skim the lakes and gorges. Everything, even the leaves on the trees were amazingly clear.

I think you’ve given me a gift as well. I never thought to experience such a sensation. It’s far better than jumping out of an airplane.

She felt his heart leap in his chest.

You jump out of planes?

With a parachute of course. I just don’t leap out and pray I’ll find a soft landing. Soft laughter bubbled up. Traian flew across the night sky, faced vampires, and shifted into birds, yet he was obviously disapproving of her jumping out of airplanes. How very ludicrous was that?

You are a bit on the medieval side, aren’t you?

Perhaps. There was no apology in his voice. Your need to do dangerous things has got to be curbed, Joie. You have no idea what you have saved me from. I cannot begin to convey to you how necessary it is that you live.

Joie frowned. He was very somber. She could feel the utter sincerity in him. He was taking a roundabout way to the inn just to allow her the amazing sensation of flying and to really see his homeland. He might be a little on the medieval side, but he was also very kind and thoughtful.

He was turning her inside out and she didn’t really have time to consider what was happening to her. She simply let him overpower her with his blatant sexuality, with the intensity of his personality, and the fact that like her, he was a warrior. He was strong enough to stand up to her and she could respect that—and him. She knew she had a strong personality. She automatically took charge in nearly every situation.

Jubal, like her father, was far more laid-back. He would never run in a fight. He was always calm and reasonable and then he got the job done. Gabrielle was fierce in a lab. She was adventurous enough to go with her siblings and parents to high mountaintops and down into deep caves, but she was not aggressive in the same way Joie was.

I’m going to drive you crazy, she confessed to him.

I am well aware of that, Traian replied, amusement filling her mind.

She couldn’t help but laugh too. I’m not certain I want you running around in my brain. The laughter faded. You know I nearly committed myself to a hospital because I kept hearing your voice. It was really disturbing when I couldn’t stop it.

Traian frowned. It was that foreign to you? Even when you are able to speak to your brother and sister telepathically?

That’s entirely different. We’ve always been able to speak to one another, but not anyone else. We just thought it was a Sanders sort of thing. My mom and dad can do it too.

It could be considered arrogance to think that only your family was capable of telepathic communication.

Joie found herself laughing again. I suppose you’re right. I definitely take it for granted in our family. We’ve always been that way.

Both parents?

She tried not to hear the suspicion in his voice, or feel it in her mind. He really had a prejudice toward mages. Yes, both parents. And we’re entirely human. I can show you my birth certificate and all my really bad school photos.

I would be interested in seeing your bad school photographs, just because I am interested in everything about you. I cannot imagine you looking bad, especially as a little girl. You have grown into a beautiful woman.

He said it so matter-of-factly, Joie couldn’t protest. Like most women, she felt far from beautiful, but it was nice to

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