Dark Nights - By Christine Feehan Page 0,43

just plain stupid and she refused to be that woman.

Seeing that Joie had committed to following them, Jubal caught Gabrielle’s hand and jerked her down the stairs in a race for their lives. Joie took three steps and the chamber shook ominously. Great blocks of ice burst from the walls, shooting across the room from every direction even as the giant icicles hanging on the ceiling rocked, cracking with loud explosive shocks and fell like giant missiles, rocketing toward the floor. Some shattered, so that large chunks and debris fell with the spears of ice.

Traian leapt across the distance to throw Joie down, shielding her with his own body as well as hastily constructing a force around them to deflect the attack from the cave itself. The thick slab of stone slid back into place, cutting them off from the hidden stairway leading out of the chamber. Great chunks of ice fell over the escape hatch, locking Joie in the cavern with Traian and the two furious vampires.

Traian buried his face in her hair for a moment, holding her tightly against him. We will be all right, Joie. You can do this. Follow my instructions and do not look directly at them. They are masters of illusion.

Joie had one knife as well as her utility knife, her ice axe, and a few other smaller, less effective weapons and knew Jubal no doubt was inventorying his weapons as well. He would have to protect Gabrielle and find a way out of the elaborate labyrinth while she faced the undead with Traian. Neither seemed a very good position to be in, yet Traian exuded such confidence, in the calmness of his mind and the steadiness of his voice.

Put your brother and sister out of your head. You will need to focus solely on this situation to come out of this alive.

Joie knew Traian was right, but it didn’t make it any easier to push her siblings out of her mind. Be safe Jubal and Gabby. I love you both.

She took a deep breath and nodded. The warmth of his body infused hers with much needed heat. She flexed her fingers in preparation. I’ll do whatever you need me to do to help. What else could she do? She had no idea how to fight such evil creatures. You killed them and they just got back up.

Gabrielle cried out as Jubal pushed her in front of him, and then the stairway went completely dark. Jubal caught her shoulders in a firm grip to give her confidence. He turned around, shining his headlamp along the walls of the narrow tunnel they found themselves in.

“Joie didn’t make it in, Gabby,” he said. “She’s on the other side and I think the ceiling came down. I can still feel her—and Traian—so they’re alive. We’ll have to find our own way out and trust them to find their own way as well.”

“He took your blood. Can you talk to him? Can you reach Joie?”

“There’s tons of ice between us, Gabby. I tried when the ceiling caved in, but you and I were never as strong as Joie in telepathy. I think it’s possible Traian could reach us, but most likely, taking the brunt of the ice fall and vampires hounding them, they have their hands full. We’re on our own. We can do this. We’ve been in caves all of our lives.” He spoke confidently, deliberately reminding her of the fact that their parents had belayed them up the sides of cliffs and down into caves when they were toddlers.

Gabrielle nodded. “It’s so cold. I think my brain is getting fuzzy. I’m with you, Jubal, I’m not going to panic on you. Let’s just find the way out of here.”

“I’m going to get out in front of you and I want you to stay close to me, Gabby. I don’t know how many of those vampires were in the caves. If we run into one, we have to kill it by going for the heart.” He felt her shudder and he squeezed her shoulder. “We can do it. You know we can.”

He pushed past her on the narrow stair. The steps were carved of ice and very slippery. There was nothing to hang onto. He proceeded with great caution—examining the walls and each stair before he placed his feet. It was very quiet, almost too quiet. He could hear Gabrielle’s labored breathing and every breath she took came out as white vapor.

Jubal slowly became aware that the

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