Dark Nights - By Christine Feehan Page 0,152

will need guidance. We will have many children to love in the coming years. Whatever your dream, it is mine. We will have a home and we will fill it with children and laughter and love.

He was closer, he was on his way to her. Sara wrapped herself in his warmth, in his words. This is my gift to you. A dark dream she would embrace. Reach for.

“Where are you taking me?” Sara’s anxiety was embarrassing, but she couldn’t seem to hold it in check. Falcon had to be able to find her.

She heard the reassurance of his soft laughter. There is no place they could take you where I could not find you. I am in you as you are in me, Sara.

“What you are feeling is normal, Sara,” Raven said softly. “Lifemates cannot be apart from one another comfortably.”

“And you have a concussion,” Shea reminded. “We’re taking you where you will be safe,” she assured again, calmly, patiently.

The passageway wound deep within the earth. Jacques took Sara through what seemed like a door in the solid rock to a large, beautiful chamber. To Sara’s grateful surprise, it looked like a bedroom. The bed was large and inviting. She curled up on it the moment Jacques put her down, closing her eyes and wanting just to go to sleep. She felt that even a few minutes’ rest would make her feel better. The comforter was thick and soothing, the designs unusual. Sara found herself tracing the symbols over and over.

The candles leaped to life, flickering and dancing, casting shadows on the walls and filling the room with a wonderful aroma. Sara was barely aware of Shea’s healing touch with all the precision of a surgeon. Sara could only think of Falcon. Could only wait for him deep beneath the earth, hoping they would all be safe until he arrived.

Chapter Eight

The attack came immediately after sunset. The sky rained fire, streaks of red and orange dropping straight down toward the house and grounds. Long furrows in the ground appeared, moving quickly, darting toward the estate, tentacles erupting near the massive gates and columns surrounding the property. Bulbs burst through the earth, spewing acid at the wrought-iron fence. Insects fell from the clouds, oozed from the trees. Rats rushed the fence, an army of them, round beady eyes gleaming. There were so many bodies the ground was black with them.

Beneath the earth Jacques lifted his head alertly. His lifemate was performing her healing art. His eyes met Raven’s over Sara’s head. “The ancient one has sent his army ahead of his arrival. The house is under attack.”

“Will the safeguards hold?” Raven asked with her usual calm. She was already reaching out to Mikhail. They were still separated by many miles, yet his warmth flooded her immediately.

“Against his servants, the safeguards will certainly hold. The ancient one is attempting to weaken the safeguards so that he can more easily penetrate our defenses. He knows that Mikhail and Sara’s lifemate are on their way. He thinks to have, a quick and easy victory before their arrival.” Jacques was calm, his black eyes flat and cold. He was banishing all emotion in preparation for battle. His arms were around Shea’s waist, his body pressed close, protectively toward her. He bent his head to kiss her neck, a light, brief caress before moving away.

Raven caught his arm, preventing him from leaving the chamber. “Mikhail and Falcon say this one is dangerous, a true ancient, Jacques. Wait for them, please.”

He looked down at her hand. “They are all dangerous, little sister. I will do what is necessary to protect the three of you.” Very gently he removed her hand from his wrist, gave her an awkward, reassuring pat, a gesture at odds with his elegance.

Raven smiled at him. “I love you, Jacques. So does Mikhail. We don’t tell you nearly enough.”

“It is not necessary to say the words, Raven. Shea has taught me much over the years. The bond between us is very strong. I have much to live for, much to look forward to. I have finally convinced my lifemate that a child is worth the risks.”

Raven’s face lit up, her eyes shiny with tears. “Shea didn’t say a word to me. I know she’s always wanted to have a baby. I’m happy for you both, I really am.”

Shea returned to her body, swaying from the intense effort of healing Sara. She staggered toward Jacques. He caught her to him, drew her gently into his

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