Dark Nights - By Christine Feehan Page 0,143

this doctor, was one of them. The others. Right now Shea Dubrinsky was communicating with someone else in the same manner Sara did with Falcon. It frightened Sara nearly as much as the encounter with the ghoul. She couldn’t tell the difference between friend and foe.

Falcon. She reached for him. Needed him. Wanted him with her. The accident had shaken her so that it was difficult to think clearly. Her head ached appallingly and her body was shaky, trembling beyond her ability to control it. It was humiliating for someone of Sara’s strong nature. She is one of them.

I am here. Do not fear. No one can harm you. Look directly at her, and I will observe what you see. There was complete confidence in Falcon’s voice and he swamped her with waves of reassurance, the feel of strong arms stealing around her, gathering her close, holding her to him. The feeling was very real and gave her confidence.

She speaks to another. She says her name is Dubrinsky and her husband is close. I know she speaks to him. She has called him to us. Sara said it with complete conviction. The woman looked calm and professional, but Sara felt what was happening, knew that Shea Dubrinsky was communicating with some other even though Sara could not see anyone else.

Sara gasped as the woman’s hands touched sore places. She tried to smile at the other woman. “I’m really okay, the seat belt saved me, although I hurt like crazy. You have to get away from here.” She was feeling a bit desperate searching for signs of the ghoul. Sara tried to move and groaned as every muscle in her body protested. Her head pounded so that even her teeth hurt.

“Stay very quiet for just a moment,” Shea said softly, persuasively, and Sara recognized a slight “push” toward obedience. Falcon was there with her, sharing her mind, so she wasn’t as afraid as she might have been. She believed in him. She knew he would come, that nothing would stop him from reaching her side. “Mikhail Dubrinsky is my husband’s brother. Why are you seeking him?” Shea spoke casually, as if the answer didn’t matter, but once again, there was that “push” toward truth.

Sara made an attempt to raise her hand, wanting to remove the broken glass from her hair. Her head was aching so much it made her feel sick. “For some reason, compulsion doesn’t work very well on me. If you are going to use it, you have to use it with much more strength.” She was struggling to keep her eyes open.

Sara! Focus on her. Stay focused! Falcon’s command was sharp. I sent a call ahead to my people to alert them to find you. Mikhail did have brothers, but you must remain alert. I must see through your eyes. You must stay awake.

Shea was grinning at her a little ruefully. “You are familiar with us.” She said it softly. “If that is the case, I want you to hold very still while I aid you. The sun is falling fast. If you are hunted by a puppet of the undead, the vampire will be close by and waiting for the sun to sink. Please remain very quiet while I do this.” Shea was watching Sara’s face for a reaction.

There was a movement behind Shea and she turned her head with a loving smile. “Jacques, we have found the one we were seeking. She has a lifemate. He is watching us through her eyes. She is one of us, yet not.” Out of courtesy she spoke aloud. There was a wealth of love in her voice, an intimacy that whispered of total commitment. She turned back to Sara. “I will attempt to make you more comfortable, and Jacques will get you out of the truck so we may leave this place and get to safety.” There was complete confidence in her gentle tones.

Sara wanted the terrible pounding in her head to go away. She couldn’t shift her legs; the wreckage was entombing her as surely as a casket. Falcon’s presence in her mind was the only thing that kept her from sliding back into the welcoming black void. She struggled to stay alert, watching Shea’s every move. The unknown Jacques had not come into her line of vision, but she felt no immediate threat.

Shea Dubrinsky was graceful and sure. There were no rough edges to her, and she seemed completely professional despite the bizarre way she was healing

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