Dark Nights - By Christine Feehan Page 0,103

use others as minions and puppets and keep themselves from dangerous battles. They sacrifice lesser pawns and slide away when hunters are in the area. They only fight when they are assured of victory. Valenteen had a reputation as a fierce hunter. It helped that mage blood ran in your veins. He had more trouble getting past the barriers in your minds and controlling you. Gary is protected by Gregori, so he wasn’t as susceptible as most humans would be.”

“Do you really think we’re descendents of a mage?” Joie asked, once again stroking her fingers over his lips.

“I do not think there is much doubt. The genetics are quite strong in your brother and since you claim he is a full blood brother, the mage is in all of you. I believe that is what allowed you to resist Valenteen the way you did.”

“I can’t really recall much after I landed on the floor. Jubal and Gabrielle are all right, aren’t they? I vaguely remember Gabrielle’s hand holding mine and once I felt my brother very close. Tell me they’re both okay. They had to have been terrified when that nasty vampire ripped my neck open.”

Traian felt the tremor run through her and pressed his body closer. “They were incredible.” He still had trouble believing that neither of them looked at him with blame. And Gabrielle had been so generous in her parting words to him. “They are both fine. Gary took them to our prince. They are with Mikhail and his lifemate, under their protection. I like your brother and sister very much.”

Joie covered the hand pressed into her stomach. “You sound a little surprised. Haven’t you liked many humans?”

“I never really thought about it before. We live in the world with humans and protect them, but to keep our race safe, we have always remained apart. This has been my first close contact with humans where they actually know who and what I am. I found your family to be accepting and tolerant of me and my people, even with all the danger I brought with me. I feel genuine affection and admiration for Jubal and Gabrielle, which is somewhat of a surprise to me.”

“And Gary? Is he all right?”

“He is fine, Joie. Gary is an extraordinary man and obviously trusted by our prince.” Traian rubbed her nose with the pad of his finger, and then traced her mouth.

Joie smiled and nibbled gently at his hand. He touched her continually, as if seeking the reassurance of physical contact.

“You’d better have a deep affection for my brother and sister,” she cautioned with a wry smile. “It’s the only safe thing to do with those two. And with my parents also, I might add. They’re going to drive you crazy, so you have to love them, otherwise you’d do them in. I can’t wait for you to meet my mom and dad.” She burst out laughing at the thought.

“Why do you do that?” Traian asked suspiciously. “You have a wicked way of laughing every time you mention introducing me to your parents.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll protect you from them. Jubal, Gabrielle, and I always go home for visits together. If we team up, we have a chance.”

“I am Carpathian,” he pointed out.

“Like that’s going to matter. But you keep thinking it will.” Her hand fluttered to her neck, still raw and sore from the attack. “How come I didn’t wake up gorgeous and perfect?” Joie glared at him. “I had visions of a makeover.”

“You are gorgeous and perfect.” He sounded puzzled. “I woke you early to give you more blood, but you’ll be going back to the ground until you are fully healed.” He touched his chest. “We both will.”

She turned her head to look more fully at him, and her breath caught in her throat. “Oh, Traian, let me see.” She rose up onto her knees in spite of his restraining hands. “You’re really hurt.”

Her eyes held worry, concern. Her hands moved over his chest with anxious, caressing strokes. Traian held his breath, shocked at the tidal wave of emotion sweeping through him. “It is of no consequence, but thank you for worrying.”

“It’s of great consequence,” she contradicted him. “How do you do that healing thing? Can I do it to you? Would it work?”

He smiled at her, wrapping her up in his arms. “You are Carpathian. Whatever I can do, you can do. Probably more, but if you really want to try it, let’s clean off.”

“Not your way. I

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