Dark Nights - By Christine Feehan Page 0,101

certain they would be horrified and afraid as the convulsions started, when Joie was violently sick and it was impossible to control the waves of unrelenting pain. Her brother and sister worked together as a team, seeming to understand that he couldn’t talk or direct them. His full attention was on blocking as much pain as possible and helping Joie through the conversion.

Gary kept the room clean and smelling of the soothing aromas from the herbs and candles. All of them picked up the words to the ancient healing chant. Gabrielle wiped beads of blood from Traian’s brow and then Joie’s. He managed a faint smile of acknowledgment, but his focus remained on his lifemate, working to keep the pain bearable and waiting for the moment her body had completely accepted the conversion.

The moment he sensed that her body had undergone the transformation and he could safely do it, he sent her to sleep. Exhausted, he looked up at her family, grateful the sun was about to rise and the master vampire would have to go to ground. Traian doubted he had much battle left in him. He needed the healing, rejuvenating sleep of his kind, deep beneath the earth.

“I have to take her away for a few days. We will be unable to get in touch with you, but she is alive and she will heal quickly.” He avoided all references to the ground. Joie’s family had been through enough without knowing the specifics of where he would take her and how she would spend her days.

Gabrielle leaned over and brushed a kiss on the top of Traian’s head. “You take care of her. We’re depending on you. I’m not sorry she found you, not after watching the way you’ve cared for her.”

Traian could see she was blinking back tears. “Thank you, Gabrielle. As soon as possible, I’ll bring her to you.”

“I’ll stay here with them,” Gary offered.

Traian shook his head. “Warn Mikhail. I don’t want to send the information to him on the chance that the one who took my blood could find a way to use me to harm him. Let him know there is something in that cave of value to the vampires and that there are numerous traps. He’ll understand when you tell him it is a cave the mages used.” He frowned, for the first time unsure. If he named the master as a Malinov and he was wrong, it would be a terrible blow to the Malinov reputation. He needed more time to think on it.

Gary nodded. “Jubal and Gabrielle may come with me, if they choose.”

Traian rose, Joie in his arms. “Go then, go tonight. The rules that have always applied to vampires seem to be changing rapidly.” He met Jubal’s eyes. “You will be safer under Mikhail’s protection. Stay with them until Joie and I are recovered.”

He slipped out onto the balcony, into the night where he belonged—where he was comfortable. The wind blew into his face, ruffled his hair, brought him information from creatures around him.

He took to the skies, the sleeping Joie in his arms, and headed for a small cave he remembered from his younger days, a cave of healing with hot springs and glacier-water pools. Far below, his homeland stretched out before him, a place he had not seen in many years. The sight brought back memories of his parents and his childhood friends. He was home and he held his lifemate in his arms.

She will never be safe. You will always be linked to me. I spared your life, but I can take it whenever I choose. And I will take hers. The hate-filled voice of the master vampire invaded his mind.

Traian didn’t hesitate. He sent a clap of deafening thunder back along the mental path the vampire had initiated, a bolt of lightning streaking through the sky like a spear homing in on prey. Just as quickly, he moved his own position, fully prepared for a war in the sky.

An explosion of pain burst in Traian’s head in angry retaliation. He rode it out, certain he’d scored a hit.

You will pay for that.

I am an ancient warrior. I do not fear you or any other of your kind. If you wish to pursue me or mine, I welcome the opportunity to carry out your death sentence.

You and your kind will never find me. I will disappear until you and yours forget me and then I will return to kill all of you, everyone you have

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