Dark Matters - Michelle Diener Page 0,21

Tecran while he'd been under their control.

He hadn't distinguished good from bad much in those days, but now he was more aware and awake, he understood that she had been unhappy with the animals' condition, and had never hurt them.

It was very unlikely she'd be working at a weapons storage. She had no role in a place like that.

It didn't mean the Earth woman was there, though.

It didn't rule it out, either.

He carefully scanned the comms, looking for clues to the Earth woman's presence, but there was nothing obvious.

That might be why they burned it down. It would be impossible to hide all trace of her if she had been there.

And then he saw Dr. Farnn jerk her hand away from someone in a black uniform, and openly stride toward the people using their handhelds to film what was happening.

The look on the face of the soldier who'd been trying to steer her away was furious, but instead of going after the doctor, he faded into the background.

Dr. Farnn reached the local security officers who were holding a perimeter, and spoke to one, then he saw her walk along the line to speak to a woman who looked to be in charge. They both moved out of range.

He hunted through the security force database for a match to the security leader. Found her. Captain Rivynn.

He did a search for Dr. Farnn, using the military system.

There was nothing.

It was as if she had ceased to exist.

He felt a rise in . . . excitement? Tension? He wasn't quite sure what to call it, but he knew there should be evidence of the doctor. He had had her onboard his Class 5 in his younger days. She worked for the military.

The erasure of her online presence was extremely significant.

He went back to Rivynn, found her call signature, and gave the polite tap most UC members seemed to expect.

He had noticed Dray Helvan seemed a little grumpier if he didn't knock first, so to speak. Purely for the purposes of smoothing his way, he had started following the protocol.

“This is Rivynn.”

For a moment, Bane floundered, suddenly unsure what voice to use.


“Sorry, Captain, this is a friend of Dr. Farnn's. I've been so worried about her, and I saw some footage of the fire at the facility yesterday and she was talking to you. Can you give me a way to contact her?” Bane made his voice female, and hesitant.

“Can I have a name?” Rivynn asked.

“It's Dr. Duy.” Bane wondered if using that name was a mistake or not. But it would get Farnn's notice.

Duy had been the other scientist who'd come onboard to observe the creatures Bane had collected, and to decide what the Tecran military should do with them.

Last he'd heard, the scientist had been sent to the Tecran's secret desert facility on the planet Balco, but that was gone now. Blown up just like the facility near Fa'allen.

Bane's friend Eazi had been responsible for the Balco explosion, and he had done a thorough job.

No one and nothing inside had survived.

“One moment, Dr. Duy.”

Bane saw he'd been placed on mute, and overrode the command.

“Someone on the line for you,” Rivynn was saying. “Says her name is Dr. Duy.”

He heard Farnn gasp. “Duy? A woman?”

“What's wrong?” Rivynn asked her.

“Duy was a colleague, but he's dead. And he was a man.”

“What should I do?” Rivynn's clothes rustled, as if she was moving around.

“Let me talk to them. At the very least to find out what they want.” Farnn sounded frightened.

Bane decided that was the logical response to the situation.

There was a buzz as the earpiece was handed over.


“Hello Dr. Farnn. Forgive the deception, but I didn't want Captain Rivynn to know who I was.” Bane used the voice he used the most. The one he used with Rose McKenzie.

“Who are you?” Farnn whispered.

“You were on my ship over a year ago. At the time, I didn't have a name, but I've found one since. I am Bane.”

She was absolutely quiet, as if she held her breath.

“I don't intend you any harm, Dr. Farnn. I liked what I saw of you that time you came onboard my Class 5.”

“What do you want, then?” Her voice wavered, but Bane had the feeling she knew very well what he was after.

“The Earth woman. Is she still alive?”

“You know about her?” Farnn sounded . . . relieved?

Could that be?

“I tried to help her. I got her out before they came for her. Some of my colleagues . .

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