Dark Legend Page 0,76

planning on getting her an entire wardrobe?" he teased when she showed him pair of faded blue denim pants. "What is this fascination modern women have with these men's pants?" He rubbed the bridge of his nose thoughtfully. "Must our daughter wear such things? Dresses and skirts would be much more appropriate."

Francesca's eyebrow shot up, and her mouth curled in a small smile. "Perhaps you're right; perhaps we need to look at more feminine clothes for her."

It was her voice that warned him all might not be as he would like. He followed her with some apprehension into a different area of the store. Francesca took a navy blue sheath from a hanger and held it up. "This is darling, Gabriel. Don't you love it? You're right, I think we need to concentrate on much more feminine articles of clothing."

He reached around her and fingered the soft material. "Where is the rest of it?" He was very serious, his dark eyes searching her face for signs she was teasing.

"This is the entire dress. Girls wear them quite short these days. Haven't you noticed?" Francesca couldn't believe he had never noticed the women in the city and the clothes that often revealed a generous portion of leg.

"You do not wear such clothes." He made it a statement.

"Of course I do. Short and long dresses. Anything goes in this age."

"You wear things like that dress in front of men?" There was a curious churning in the pit of his stomach. He didn't quite understand why he suddenly wanted to rip the doctor's head off. Had the man seen her in such garments? The thought of it brought an unfamiliar volcanic feeling to his gut.

Francesca laughed at him. Straight out laughed at him. Her dark eyes were shining with merriment. "You sound just a tiny bit on the jealous side."

His hand reached out, almost of its own accord, his fingers circling her throat. "I know you are not making fun of me, are you, Francesca?"

Francesca tried to keep a straight face. "I'm sure I wouldn't do that," she said sweetly. "But I do look like dynamite when I dress up."

"My heart cannot bear the image," he said, "at least not if you are dressing up for another male. Do not tell me anything more."

"Your age is showing." She laughed, the sound carefree, piercing his heart like an arrow. "Get over it and help me find her some dresses she'll love."

"I will find her dresses she will be allowed to wear in public," he countered gruffly, looking for the first time at the little frocks on the mannequins. "Where are the ankle-length garments?"

"Are you going to be one of those guardians who insists on bodyguards and strict curfews?" she asked with one eyebrow raised.

"Absolutely. You can count on it." He made no attempt to pretend otherwise.

Francesca's smile washed over him, making it clear she was not in the least impressed by his stony features and grim mouth. She found the underwear section and spent time choosing lace and satin while he simply shook his head in wonder. She arranged for her purchases to be delivered the next evening and followed him out into the night.

Skyler would have a room designed especially for her, the items chosen as much as possible from her memories of things she had seen and liked. The rest they chose for her, wanting her happiness and comfort. The pattern for her quilt and sheets was a design fashioned by Francesca to aid healing and promote soothing comfort and a feeling of well-being. The room they had decided to give her was a round turret where the intricate stained glass contained a powerful spell to protect the occupant from outside harm and nightmares.

Francesca smiled up at Gabriel as they settled onto the balcony of her home, once more taking their own shapes. "I had a wonderful night, Gabriel. Thank you so much for sharing this with me. It is much more fun experiencing life with another."

"You are growing used to me, despite your intentions not to," he ventured as he led her down the stairs to the kitchen.

"We have to remember to stock the house with food that will appeal to a teenager," Francesca said, determined not to be drawn into a conversation about their relationship. She wasn't ready to think too much on the subject.

"Skyler should eat what is the most nutritious for her. She is skin and bones. And you must do something with her hair. She wears it

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