Dark Fairy Tales - Aleatha Romig Page 0,55

he sees and what he wants. Amaya still gets carded by truancy officers when school is in session.

“Of course you are, miss.” He gestures to the Seven of Hearts to come toward them. “Greg, please escort this young lady to Miss Noelle.” He addresses Amaya as she walks past. “Behave yourself in there, little miss. Don’t grow up too fast.” He ruffles her tail feathers.

Her first instinct is to punch him in the dick, but she keeps a tight lid on her revulsion. “Don’t worry, papi. You’re not gonna get any complaints about me.” She wraps her silk-gloved arm around her escort’s bicep and allows herself to be led into the belly of the beast.

Amaya has seen movies and read books. In fifth grade, her class took a field trip to The Metropolitan Museum of Art. She knows about bougie things. But nothing could have prepared her to see it with her own eyes. It’s like stepping into another world—one where magic exists. Classical musicians welcome the guests with music from La Bohème as characters from every fairytale Amaya has ever heard of make small talk and sip champagne through their masks with glass straws. She can’t make out their expressions when she walks by, but she can still feel their judgmental eyes on her. She’s not sure if it’s because of her skin or the fact she’s dressed as an ugly-ass duck.

Everywhere she looks there’s something spectacular to see: marble floors, chandeliers made of crystal, pearls, and gold. Over their heads, replicas of the Sistine Chapel. Beneath their feet, grand hand-woven carpets. Even the walls are gilded with silver and glitter in the soft light. As her escort takes her deeper into the mansion, he reveals pathways through other rooms with varying themes, music, and lighting. Amaya nibbles the scar on her lip. She’s lost some sensation there, but she finds the gesture soothing.

“Incredible, isn’t it?” says the Seven of Hearts. “Mrs. Constantine spared no expense for tonight.”

“Yeah, no shit,” Amaya says without thinking. “Sorry,” she adds, “I meant yeah—yes—it’s amazing.” She’s out of practice when it comes to handling fear; it’s been years since she had anything to lose. Tonight, she has everything to lose, and she doesn’t have a clue what to expect. VV has a sick sense of humor. Does she think Amaya is going to walk up to Noelle Stein and the woman is just going to confess to using her modeling agency as a human trafficking scheme? The woman is a notorious socialite with prolific connections.

They descend a spiral staircase which takes them farther from the main parlors. “The Constantines are a reputable family, miss. They are an institution here in Bishop’s Landing as well as in New York City. I’m sure Miss Noelle speaks highly of them,” says the Seven of Hearts.

Blue light and trance-like music shift the ambiance of the space surrounding them, and his mask reflects the change of lighting as he continues to lead her.

“She doesn’t really talk to me, you know?”

The Seven chuckles. “Of course.”

Amaya hasn’t given an appropriate amount of thought to what she’s going to do once she gets to Noelle. She reminds herself she’s on a mission from God to help VV with her work. She blesses herself with the sign of the cross just as the Seven guides them to a halt in front of a set of double doors where two men dressed as Jacks keep guard.

“This young lady is here with Miss Noelle,” he says, and each Jack takes hold of one of the doors and opens them. Amaya feels like her heart is about to drop out of her butt, but she steps through the doors.

Amaya’s eyes meet with a spectacle and sensory overload. Moss-draped, Southern live oak trees are well placed around the room to give the appearance of a surreal, gothic forest. Wildflowers and hundreds or thousands of twinkling string lights cover everything with a soft iridescent glow. Ryegrass and more moss conceal the ground. Throughout the grandiose room are ornate chaise lounges and vine-cloaked nooks. Deep, hypnotic music infused with a modern bassline and discordant cello penetrates the ears and grips the mind. Between the lights, sights, and sounds, Amaya struggles to keep her nonchalant composure.

The Seven of Hearts points toward a makeshift altar made of a tree stump the diameter of a redwood. Upon it, on a throne made of whittled wood and silk cushions, sits a scantily-clad woman draped in strategically placed leaves and flowers.

“Miss Noelle is

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