Dark Fairy Tales - Aleatha Romig Page 0,51

said to Alfred, gesturing to the door.

Alfred gave him a look to open it.

Oscar turned the knob, hoping that Ginger was still there, that she was in place and ready to play, that she hadn’t deserted him.

She was. She was standing by the fireplace, having lit a couple of candles on the mantle that were illuminating her in a soft, flickering glow.

With her cloak and gown and mask, she looked positively evil and dangerous to Oscar, and his heart skipped a beat. If the man wasn’t careful, he might fall in love.

“Hello,” Alfred said to Ginger.

“Hi,” she said, her eyes briefly on the two guards before looking back to Alfred. She hadn’t expected the other guy, and Oscar wasn’t sure if he was going to be allowed to be in the room to watch, or if he’d be banished outside.

“You can give me privacy,” Alfred said after studying her for a moment. He eyed Oscar. “Both of you.”

This was good news and bad news.

Good news is that Oscar would be able to get rid of the other guard.

The bad news is that Ginger was left on her own.

This was her true test.

Oscar and the other guard stepped outside and closed the door.

“He’s been a busy man this evening,” the other guard commented. “Even in front of his date. Wonder what his wife is doing at home, eh?”

Oscar made a murmur of agreement, moving casually behind the other guard.

The other guard didn’t even have a moment to react.

As quick as lightning, Oscar pulled out a small knife from his other pocket, reached out, grabbed the man’s jaw, yanked his head back, and slid the knife across his throat, making sure his windpipe was severed.

The man sputtered and gurgled as the blood poured freely from the wound, soaking Oscar’s hands. He calmly held the man in place, his head practically coming off his neck, until he lowered him gently to the ground, careful to not make a sound.

Satisfied, Oscar stepped over the guard, careful not to slip on his blood, and then pressed his ear against the door.

There was no sound.

Which could mean many things.

But Oscar didn’t want things to go too far with Ginger. The thought of Alfred getting physical with her made him feel a little sick inside.

He pulled his gun out of the holster under his pant leg and held it at his side, then opened the door.

Alfred had pinned Ginger against the fireplace. Her mask was on the ground by her feet, and while she was trying to look seductive, he could see the fear in her eyes.

“James,” Alfred barked at him, straightening up and taking a step away from Ginger. “I told you to wait outside.”

Ginger glanced at Oscar, and he knew she was about to make her move.

She brought out the knife and aimed it Alfred.

He looked at the knife in surprise.

Oscar was surprised too. He was certain she would have gone and sliced his throat like he had just done, but now, with that weapon in her hand, she was unsure.

This is exactly why he wasn’t done teaching her.

“What the fuck?” Alfred said incredulously, a hint of amusement in his voice as he stared at her.

Oscar pulled out the gun and aimed it at Ginger.

He had her right where he wanted her.

“James,” Alfred says. “Did you not check this harlot for weapons before you brought her here?”

“Sorry, sir,” Oscar said, closing the door behind him and sidling across the room, the gun trained on Ginger. “I didn’t find anything on her.”

“You’re going to be fired after this, you know that,” Alfred said, though his voice was tinged with rage. “Now we’ll have to kill her and get rid of her somewhere. Not exactly something I had planned for tonight, especially not at Caroline’s party for Tinsley.”

“I’m sorry we couldn’t have worked together for longer,” Oscar said, now just a few feet away from Alfred. He stopped and took the gun off Ginger, aiming it now at Alfred’s head. “But I’m not sorry for what she’s about to do to you.”

Before Alfred realized what was going on, before he could react, Ginger made her move.

She stepped forward, and with the quick flick of her wrist, sliced her knife across Alfred’s throat.

It was a genius cut.

Deep enough to prevent Alfred from calling for help.

Shallow enough to keep him alive for a few minutes.

The blood splattered in an arc, getting her carpet, her dress, creating red stains on her white chest. Her eyes were wide with adrenaline and

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