Dark Fairy Tales - Aleatha Romig Page 0,49

wanted him to leer at her. She wanted his attention. There was more than one occasion that she thought he was going to grab her, kiss her, potentially fuck her, and every time she thought about it, her body would light up like firecrackers.

Here, with his mask on, at least she had some protection, though the size of his body looming over hers didn’t help.

“What are you thinking about, Little Red?” he asked.

She closed her eyes, hating how even his voice was affecting her this way.

“I’m trying to figure out how I got in this mess.”

“Ah. Well, if it makes you feel better, there’s no way you would have known that I was here.”

“And why are you here?”

“Same reason you are.”

“You don’t work for Alfred?”

“No,” he said, and she relaxed slightly. “I replaced the head of his security earlier this evening. He’s in a closet somewhere. They’ll find him in the morning.”

“And so you’re planning to kill Alfred?”

“Planning? I will kill Alfred. He’s already as good as dead. I was just waiting for the right time. But perhaps you will only aid my endeavour, not hamper it. You would make a fine excuse.”

“Glad to be of assistance,” she growled.

“You’re sore,” he said. “Upset that you don’t get to carry out the task? Tell me, when did you make the switch? From saying you never wanted to become like me to…becoming just like me.”

“I’ll never be like you.” Her words were laced with venom.

The Wolf shook his head. “Why do you fight it? Your mother was an assassin. Your grandmother too, for a little while, before she realized she liked the control more. It’s in your blood to kill, just as it is in mine. You shouldn’t fight against what you were born to be, and you shouldn’t fight against me.”

“I am carrying out orders. I take no pleasure in killing anyone. I’m not sick like you are.”

She could practically hear him smiling. “Birds of a feather.”

She tried to get out from under his grasp, but he would not let up.

“I like the fight,” he said. “You know this about me. I’ve never had you like this either, under me and powerless. It’s such a nice change, such a nice view.”

There was a sinister edge to his tone, but there was no denying the thrill that that it brought Ginger.

Not that she would ever admit it.

He lowered his head until the snout of the mask was an inch from her face. “The things I could do to you right now, things I only dreamt of doing. You should fear me. Fear that I am no longer your teacher, and you are no longer a student.”

He pressed his hip against her, hard, and she immediately felt the long, thick length of his erection.

More heat flared between her legs and she hated how much her body was betraying her. It’s like all that time she pretended to not want him was coming back to bite her in the ass, at the worst possible time.

“We’re the same, you and me,” he said. “And this time I’m going to show you.” He leaned back slightly. “I’m going to let you go. And we’re going to make a plan. But if you try anything at all, I will not hesitate to kill you. I can do it with my bare hands, and I won’t feel a thing. But you, Little Red, you’ll feel everything.”

She swallowed hard, aware of how hard she’s breathing.

He let go of her wrists. Blood rushed to them, filling her hands with pins and needles.

He got to his feet and stared down at her, large and imposing.

She sat up and shook her hands out, her brain tripping over itself trying to figure what was going to happen next. She knew he could kill her easily, and she obviously didn’t want that to happen. She knew that perhaps he would just let her go and she would return to her grandmother and let her know that Alfred was dead and that Oscar beat her to the punch.

Or she could stay here with Oscar.


“Get up,” Oscar commanded.

She got to her feet, feeling unsteady.

His arm shot out to hold her in place as she smoothed out her dress. She felt so helpless and defeated, two things she hated to feel more than anything else.

“Are we going to work together?” he asked. “Are you ready to be my pupil again?”

She had a feeling she didn’t have much of a choice. Even if she managed to run away,

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