Dark Fairy Tales - Aleatha Romig Page 0,128

to Mason, “All the Sparrows are here. Patrick is talking to Lennox Demetri. It was his father, Oren, who I met with this afternoon. Old man’s on board, but I’m not overlooking the son. Lennox is here with his wife, Alexandra.” He turned to a tall, slender blonde woman by his side. “Marianne, take Lorna and rescue Renita. Maybe you can convince Mrs. Demetri to accompany you ladies and let us have a word with Lennox?”

Marianne smiled at me. “Hi, Lorna, nice to meet you. That was our cue to step away.”

My hand trembled as I let go of Mason. His nod wordlessly told me to do as Mr. Sparrow said.

Once we were walking, I asked, “Do you know the people he’s talking about?”

“Some of them,” she said with a smile. “Don’t worry. No one here bites.”

I looked from couple to couple. “Are you sure?”

We came to a stop. One man of the group was dark haired like Mr. Sparrow, but when he peered my way, I saw he had the lightest blue eyes behind his mask. Striking. Standing at his side was an attractive woman with auburn hair.

When she turned my way, I was mesmerized by the golden hue of her orbs peering from behind her mask. “Hello,” she said, offering her hand. “I’m Alex, Alex Demetri.”

“Nice to meet you. I’m Lorna, Lorna...” I remembered Mason saying to avoid mentioning we were brother and sister.

“Marianne,” Marianne said, saving me as she too offered her hand.

The fourth woman turned our way. Not as tall as the others, her skin was a beautiful ebony, a stark contrast to her golden dress and mask. “Renita,” she said with a smile. She turned to Mr. Sparrow’s companion. “Hi, Marianne.”


Renita’s cheeks rose. “Not yet, Renita is perfect for the evening.” She placed her hand on the elbow of a tall blond man. “Excuse me, Patrick. We’re going to find something to eat and drink.”

Patrick smiled and nodded as he turned back to the dark-haired man.

A small hand reached for my elbow. “Tell me, Lorna,” Alex asked, “what is all this secret talk the men are whispering about?”

I turned to her and sighed. “Honestly” —I lifted the hem of my skirt and showed her my shoes— “I’m just trying not to trip.”

Alex laughed and hugged my arm. “I like you. For as expensive as those shoes are, they can be ghastly uncomfortable.”

Peering over my shoulder, I saw Marianne and Renita a step behind.

As we walked, we passed table after table filled with different delicacies. There seemed to be a theme of sorts with each cluster. Of course, there was also an overabundance of waiters with trays offering samples while others balanced trays with flutes of bubbling champagne.

Around the perimeter of the courtyard, various double doors opened into separate wings of the house. I still couldn’t comprehend that this monstrosity was a home.

With drinks in hand, Alex led me to one of the double doors. “Do you like art?”

Party talk.

I wished she’d asked me about what cleaning solution worked best to remove vomit from cheap carpeting, but sure, for Mason, I’d party talk. “I like some.”

“My stepfather was a fan of owning what others couldn’t.” We stepped from the crowd and music into what appeared to be a gallery. “It’s not my thing, but I can appreciate the talent and inspiration that goes into the final work of art.”

Passing beyond the threshold, the atmosphere quieted as other guests milled about, whispering amongst themselves. Paintings, surrounded by massive frames, hung around the room. Small lights illuminated each work.

Maybe this was a museum.

My eye caught a man standing down the way. I wasn’t sure what it was about him, but I found him more appealing than the art on the walls. He emanated a sense of power and danger. Maybe it was the stories Mason told me of who was attending.

This man also wore a dark gray custom tuxedo designed to fit his wide shoulders and solid trim torso. His mask was silver as was his tie. It wasn’t a bow tie like Mason’s but long and thin, disappearing behind the buttons of his jacket. He was easily as tall as my brother, and his dark hair was short. While his complexion was lighter than Renita’s, his skin was a radiant combination of mahogany and bronze.

Was he a prince or a king? A politician or a billionaire businessman? Or was this man danger personified, an international spy specializing in espionage?

My imagination ran the gamut.

“What do you think?” Alex

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