Dark Descent into Desire - J. J. Sorel Page 0,68

spare time, I liked the kitchen to potter around in—I loved how it overlooked the garden. And I needed to organize rehab for my mother. I’d decided we’d drag her there screaming if necessary. I had to try something, or else I’d end up drowning in guilt for not doing enough.

I picked up my phone and pressed on Sheldon’s animated face. “Hey.”

“Hey, Penny.”

“What are you doing now?”

“I’m in my studio, looking for any excuse not to work.” He laughed.

“Why don’t you come over to my new house? I baked some cupcakes, and there’s a bottle of prosecco in my fridge.”

“How can I refuse.” He giggled. “I’m dying to see your new little house.”

“It’s not so little.”

“That’s right—a double-story terrace. Woo-hoo. We are stepping up.”

“I can’t wait for you to see it.” I smiled. His contagious excitement bubbled through me.

“I’ll jump in a cab now. Text me the address.”

“Will do. Can’t wait.”

The cupcakes I’d baked sat prettily on the bench. I’d made them for Blake as a surprise, knowing his fondness for freshly baked cakes—a weakness he’d admitted to along with mentioning my tits and pussy. He had to, of course, make his love of sweets erotic. I didn’t mind. Blake could keep whispering dirty little nothings all he wanted as long as he kept wanting me.

A pang of pathos touched me. I knew how much Milly meant to him. Leaning on my elbows, I contemplated his relationship with that sweet old soul, when the door knocker sounded.

I answered the door and found Sheldon standing there. “Hey, Penny.”

I stepped out of the way, and he entered. “My God, overlooking the park.” He whistled. “He didn’t skimp, did he?”

I released a deep breath. “Blake’s pretty generous.”

“He really likes you.” He stretched out his arm. “Show the way.”

We entered the sunny living room. “It’s a little bare. I haven’t had time to shop.”

Sheldon turned in a circle. “It’s so sunny, and a gorgeous bay window—how delightful. You’ll have to have a party.”

“Maybe when, and if, I graduate.”

“’If?’ You’ll be okay. You submitted your essays. You’ll pass. You’re brilliant.”

I tilted my head. “You’re so supportive. Let’s go into the kitchen, and I’ll open the prosecco.”

“I like the sound of that. And there’s that delicious smell of baking in the air. Yum.”

When we entered the kitchen, I stood by as Sheldon looked out the window.

“The garden’s gorgeous.”

“Isn’t it? I love being here. And wait till you see this.” I led him into my studio.

When he saw the large space boasting the type of natural light an artist pined for, he squealed with approval, drawing an excited giggle from me.

“Oh my God, Penny.” He went over to the bench, where my studies were scattered.

“These look great,” he said, studying the pencil sketches.

“I’ve started working on one already.” I pointed at my easel.

He stepped in front, and my heart beat with anticipation. Apart from Blake, no one had seen it.

“Oh my.” His eyes switched between me and the painting. “This is amazing. Let me guess—the masked man is Blake? And you’re the one in the ball gown?”

I nodded.

“You’re carrying a briefcase,” he said, studying it.

“In the next painting, that briefcase flies open,” I said.

“Pandora’s box?”

“Am I that predictable?” I didn’t hide my disappointment. A little mystique went a long way.

“I just know you and your work. And I love that idea. The story of a mysterious billionaire and a young innocent soul whose life is also complex.”

“You got it in one.” I took hold of his hand. “That’s why I love you. You get me.”

“And I miss you,” he said, hugging me. “I’ve become so unproductive. I liked having all of this around me. You motivated me.”

“You can come here and work whenever you like. There’s room for another easel and plenty of bench space.”

“I might take you up on that. I don’t work alone well. Too many years at art college, I think.” He giggled.

“Come and have a drink.”

I poured us a glass of bubbly, and we sat at the kitchen table, in the middle of which a plate of cupcakes smiled back at us.

The rest of the afternoon, we drank, laughed and then watched a movie together. It was like always, only this time, instead of me being at Sheldon’s house, he was at mine. I saw him out at ten o’clock after he got a booty call from the love of his life, the cop.

When I settled back, I replied to a message Blake had sent me earlier.

He’d written: I’ll probably be here all

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