Dark Descent into Desire - J. J. Sorel Page 0,11

guys from the other night. Remember, the one who you liked and his tall dark-haired friend?”

Mr. Dark and Mysterious found my eyes and held on. I gripped my cell, and my breath stuttered. How could a gaze from a good-looking stranger do that to me?

“Really?” Lilly’s voice brightened.

“Jump into a cab, and get here now. The dark gorgeous one keeps looking at me. I’m nearly losing the plot. I need you here. Please.”

When she didn’t respond, I asked, “Are you there?”

“All right.” She exhaled. “Text me the details.”

“I gave them to you earlier. Remember that leaflet?”

“I don’t know where it is. I was a bit drunk at the time. I’ve already had a few tonight.”

“Then get here before the next drink. Don’t worry about a thing. I’ll hold your hand. You’ll open your salon. I’ll help.”

“Thanks.” She sniffled. “It’s Brent’s night off, and he’s asking questions.”

“You can’t tell him. He’ll go crazy.”

“How am I going to explain the money?”

“You won it on a scratchy,” I suggested. “It’s buzzing here. You’ll enjoy yourself.”

“I should get out. At least that way, Brent won’t see me moping about. See you soon, babes,” she said, sounding jollier than before, much to my relief.

I closed the call, and Sheldon joined me with two glasses of champagne. “Here, lovey.”

“Thanks.” My eyes headed over to the handsome stranger who kept looking at me and making my heart race.

“Have you seen those tall hunks?” asked Sheldon.

“Sure have,” I said, forcing myself to look away.

“They’re a bit too good-looking for me. But great bodies, especially Mr. Tall, Dark, and Hetero.”

I laughed and let Sheldon take my arm. We ambled about with our noses in the air, playing our silly but fun game.

From the corner of my eye, I noticed the sexy stranger staring. I even sensed his attention when I wasn’t looking. When I turned, his eyes were on mine, leaving a smoldering afterburn.

We stood behind a group of people studying my paintings.

“That’s so wild… I love it. But I don’t think I could live with it,” one of the women said.

Sheldon squeezed my hand in support. He gave me a quick glance and shook his head as though to say, “Don’t listen to them.” He turned his attention to the door. “Oh, he came.”


“Drew. And he’s wearing Louboutins. Hell.”

“It’s all the rage, Shelly. Guys are dying to experience the crippling pain of fashion. It’s no longer a chick thing.” I grinned.

“I suppose,” he conceded, sounding flat.

“You’re just pining for your butch cop.”

“I am. Oh God. Here he comes—or should say, here it comes. I’m not allowed to refer to him as a he.”

“Then refer to Drew as a she,” I said.

His mouth tipped down at one side. “Mm… I suppose we can be friends. Drew’s so nice and supportive. I just wish she wasn’t so into me.”

I squeezed Sheldon’s hand, as Drew joined us.

Sheldon’s new lover’s face was masculine in that angular-jawline way, even though his voice was soft and his wrist dangled. “Hello. Nice to meet you.” He kissed me on the cheek before hugging Sheldon. “This looks amazing.” He gestured to the art.

I stood there by their side and listened to Drew ooh and aah over the art while helping myself to cheese and wine.

Thirty minutes later, Lilly walked through the door.

The gallery space, the size of an average shop, had filled to capacity. I couldn’t believe the turn out. Although I’d promised my triptych to Shelly earlier, given that he’d paid for the paints, I couldn’t get that woman’s passing comment out of my mind. Sadly, criticism lingered longer than compliments.

I headed over to Lilly and hugged her. “Hey, that was quick.”

“I got a cab straightaway.” Her eyes moved around the room and then lit up. I turned and saw that the sexy stranger’s friend had noticed her. He looked surprised.

“I need a drink,” she said.

I took her by the hand. “Come on, I’ll get you one.”


* * *


MAGIC. IT WAS PURE magic seeing her there.

Although her outfit looked very Oxfam, she wore it well. The fitted skirt revealed her swaying hips, and a loose red shirt did little to hide the fullness of her breasts. Her long, dark, plaited hair revealed a swan neck that made my tongue salivate. I watched how her breasts moved ever so slightly with her breath. Despite the fact that she boasted curves that would keep a man up at night, I found it hard to leave her eyes.

I sensed that, having recognized me, she tried to ignore me,

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