Dark Descent into Desire - J. J. Sorel Page 0,100

have choices.”

“Choices? Like terminations?”

“That’s a woman’s choice, and she’s got a right to make that call. Penny, I love you.” I held out my hands, hoping that the interrogation would end there.

A gentle smile touched her lips. “And I love you, Blake. But I’m going to want to have a child one day.”

It was only natural that someone as caring as Penelope would want to give birth. It was pure idealism thinking that I could marry this unique and beautiful woman and keep her to myself.

“Then maybe we can come to an arrangement,” I said.


“Just give me a few years. We can travel. Enjoy the world. I mean you’re about to turn twenty-four, Penny. There is time.”

Her frown faded, and she moved close and hugged me. “Thank you.”

“So is that a yes?” I asked.

She drew out of my arms. “Only after you tell me how many girlfriends you’ve had.”

My spirit deflated. “Why are you doing this to me? I’m fucking exhausted.”

She smiled sympathetically. “Okay. You’re off the hook for now. But I will want to know.”

Penelope removed her shirt, and I joined her on the bed. My dick sprang to action as my hands felt her warmth again. “Can we get a little dirty?”

Wearing a cheeky grin, she replied, “Why naturally.”

* * *

THE FOLLOWING DAY, I turned on the internet and found images of Fox plastered everywhere. He’d been outed much to my relief.

My phone buzzed. “James.”

“They’ve caught him. A few names are missing, though. I think they’re all going to be shitting themselves,” he said.

“What about the royal? Has he been exposed?”

“I don’t know. I’ve just heard whispers. Rumors. He wasn’t present that one time I visited the island.”

“That will now hopefully end there.” I sighed. “I could use a break from drama. It’s been one hell of a month. One hell of year, really. And one hell of a life.”

“Are we going to get philosophical? If so, we need to meet at the club,” he said.

“Sure. Why not? I’m half an hour away, if you like.”

“I’ll see you there. The hair of the dog.” He chuckled. “I hit it hard last night.”

“Tell me something new.”

He laughed.

I set my cell down and cast my attention to the sketch pad that Penelope had left behind. Wavering at first, I wondered if she’d mind me looking. I flicked the cover over anyhow. Although the darkly contorted faces made me wince, her considerable talent astounded me.

I turned the page and found studies of me. She’d never asked me to pose, but I’d seen her doodling away on occasions, peering up at me and smiling, then lowering her head again. My remote expression had a bite of darkness. The mirror had never shown me that face before. Nevertheless, her drawing was disturbingly accurate, because she’d captured me. I recognized my soul in that veiled stare. I’m not sure what disturbed me the most—that I’d been so transparent or that Penelope saw me that way.

After calling my mother to see how she was, I grabbed my jacket and headed to the club. I hadn’t been there for a while. And after this visit, it would be sometime again because I had a surprise in store for Penelope: I’d booked us a trip to Italy.

The waiter nodded. “Mr. Sinclair.”

I returned the greeting and headed over to James at our little corner table by the window.

“Ah… there you are.” He saluted, back to his cheery self. He waited for me to be seated. “A single malt?”


“You’re looking well, Blake.”

“I feel good. I’ve asked Penelope to marry me.”

His eyebrows merged. “Now that I wasn’t expecting. What happened to your staunch bachelor forever ambition?”

“I’m no longer that man. And”— I splayed my hands— “I’m happy.”

“How long’s it been?”

“Six months.”

“That’s not that long, you know. Why not cohabit and see how that goes?”

“We’re already doing that. We’ve become inseparable. And what’s more, I like it, as I do the thought of marrying her. It feels natural. It feels right.”

“What have you done with that hardened cynic, Blake Sinclair?”

I laughed. “I have to pinch myself sometimes. She’s even talked me into having children.”

His hissed grimace made me chuckle. “Speaking of which…”

James’s mood suddenly changed.

“Don’t tell me Lilly’s expecting?”

He nodded solemnly.

“You’re not happy about it?” I asked.

“It’s too soon. I’m not sure what to do.” He exhaled.

“I can imagine.”

“Also, my parents don’t approve of Lilly.” He pulled a mock smile. “Rather predictable, really. They think she’s too common.”

“But you don’t feel that way, do you?”

“Lilly’s not cultured or educated like some

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