Dark Curse (Darkhaven Saga #5) - Danielle Rose Page 0,29

without even trying.

“I will not ask you to complete Will’s spell,” Jasik says. “I will not ask you to join me in this eternal life. And no matter what you choose, whether you get your powers back or not, I will support you, and I will protect you until my dying breath.”

“Do you want me to complete the spell?” I ask, even though I know the answer.

Jasik is silent for a moment. He frowns, letting his gaze fall. When he finally looks at me again, his eyes are heavy.

“I want you to make this decision for yourself, not for me or for Will or for anyone else. It is important that you are happy with your decision, because whatever you choose will alter your life forever. I just hope you know that regardless of your decision, I will be happy, and I will always be here for you.”

I drop the box, letting the contents fall onto the ground in a messy heap. I lean over, pulling Jasik to me, guiding his lips to mine. I run my hand through his hair, tangling my fingers in the locks, bunching the strands within my fists as I grip to hold him tighter, terrified he might pull away, even though I know he would never risk this connection. We might be a broken pair, but our bond is still there.

The moment our lips touch, something sparks within me. Jasik makes me feel safe when he is near, but I also feel whole. Never have I felt such intense love for another person before. I know Jasik will die for me; he would kill for me. Our bond is true and strong—something no curse or hex or black magic could ever break.

I moan as I move closer to him, enjoying his scent, his taste. He smells like cinnamon and summer air, and he tastes like mint and blood. I do not crave it the way I used to, but it tastes delectable on his breath. I could lose myself in Jasik’s embrace, and that is the only darkness I welcome. Jasik is a beacon of light—one that will forever chase away the shadows.

Jasik pulls me close, and I open for him, resting my legs on either side of his as I straddle his lap. He mumbles my name breathlessly before he kisses me again. I love the way he speaks to me, the way he softly touches my skin, making sure he never hurts me, making me feel strong and beautiful, powerful with him beside me. I crave every part of his embrace.

He lifts me in his arms and stands, spinning around so he can place me gently on my bed. He is hovering over me, his eyes burning brightly against his pale, smooth skin. The crimson pools of his irises look almost neon now.

I kiss him again, nibbling playfully on his lip, and he laughs softly, exposing his fangs. My heart races when I see them, an ever-constant reminder of what I have lost.

As Jasik holds me, kissing me softly, whispering promises as bursts of air from the ceiling fan brush against my exposed skin, I lose myself in him, in his embrace, in his touch, in his taste. Always gently, Jasik never rushes me, allowing me to explore my emotions and desires only when I am ready.

When his cool skin brushes against my own burning desires, I know everything will be okay. As long as Jasik and I are together, love will always prevail. I tell myself my world is not crumbling, the witches are not prey to vengeance, and everyone I love is safe and happy. We are not at the brink of war. I have not lost my powers. In Jasik’s arms, he reminds me that I am beautiful and strong and precious.

I lose myself in Jasik because I know that is the very place I will find myself again. His devotion, his love, his desires all match my own. With each touch, with each kiss, I feel the weakened parts of my soul grow stronger. Every moment of pain is consumed by him. He withstands the brunt of that fury so I do not have to, leaving me only with the euphoric experience of having him so near.

And when Jasik tells me he loves me, I say it back. Because I do love him. From the very depths of my soul to the fleshy curves of my heart, I am utterly in love with Jasik. I think I loved

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