Dark Celebration Page 0,76

what was around her, but sometimes she simply didn't bother. She was used to a world without sight, and unless Byron provided her eyes for her, it was difficult to continually remember and maintain her vision. A vampire attacked this young lady and Josef seems to think Dimitri, her rescuer, then behaved inappropriately, although she claims he was healing her hands.

Byron immediately reached out to the other Carpathians on their common telepathic path of communication to spread the news of a vampire attack. Gabriel's answer was sharp and instant. "Your father is on his way," Byron announced aloud, even as he reached for Skyler's hands, grasping her fingers before she could pull away and raising them up for inspection. Old scars crisscrossed the skin, running up her forearms in what were obviously defensive wounds. The sight of such abuse on a young female sickened him. On the backs of her hands were newer marks, recently healed, faint, but telltale.

Skyler jerked her hands away, visibly trembling. "I told you, he healed the burns." She put her hands behind her back, out of sight. "It was awful."

Gabriel materialized in the room without preamble, reaching for her, yanking her against him, his hands sliding over her checking for damage. "You have a lot to answer for, Skyler Rose."

"She's had a terrible fright," Antonietta said, interceding.

"Some stranger was all over her," Josef said, frowning in disapproval. He drew himself up to his full height. "I followed her because she was acting funny and a vampire attacked her. Before I could do anything..."

"Such as call for me?" Byron interrupted. "I don't recall a summons or a cry for help."

"I did not get one either," Gabriel said, retaining his hold on his daughter. "The threat of a vampire getting his hands on you, Skyler, is enough to put gray streaks in my hair. What were you doing out in the open without protection? You were warned earlier that you were in danger, yet you chose to ignore it? You ignored a direct order from your mother and me."

Skyler clung to him. It the midst of such a chaotic world, he was a tower of strength- always and ever her rock. "I'm sorry," she whispered. I couldn't stop myself from going to him. There was such pain. I know pain and I couldn't be the cause.

A slow hiss escaped him. His fingers stroked a caress even as he buffeted her from his fatherly anger. Part of him wanted to shake her hard, the other half wanted to hold her to him and comfort her, keep her safe. You did not think to confide in Francesca-or me? You could have asked us for help in dealing with this, Skyler.

Was there hurt in his voice? Was she destined to hurt everyone who mattered to her? "I'm so sorry," she said aloud a second time. "I couldn't think clearly." It was the truth-and the only excuse she had to offer.

"Tell us exactly what happened," another voice said. Skyler looked up to see Mikhail and Lucian standing close. Both looked grim. "If Dimitri assaulted you, Skyler, you must tell us," the prince added.

"No!" She shouted the word, a surge of adrenaline rushing through her bloodstream. Everyone was staring at her, crowding close. She could barely breathe, barely speak. "He tried to help me. Why won't you listen to me?"

"If you value your lives," another voice interrupted, "you will leave my lifemate alone. I can feel her distress radiating through the forest and yet you surround her, pressuring her to tell you tales you should be asking of a hunter." Dimitri stood tall and straight in the open doorway. His long hair blew in the slight breeze and a few snowflakes dotted his head and shoulders.

Gabriel pushed Skyler toward Antonietta. "I believe I will take you up on your explanation," he told Dimitri through clenched teeth. "Antonietta, if you would be so kind as take my daughter into your kitchen and make certain she drinks something sweet such as orange juice. It must be natural."

"Gabriel," Skyler protested.

Go with her. It is my duty and privilege to ensure your safety and I intend to do just that. We will discuss this later.

"He saved my life," Skyler said defiantly, looking around at the room filled with Carpathian hunters. "He saved my life."

Antonietta ignored the small automatic hesitation on Skyler's part and put her arm around the girl. "I think your man can hold his own with this group." Be on his side, Byron. Please.

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