Dark Celebration Page 0,28

fingers crushing in warning. "Give my daughter to her mother." Each word was accompanied with a hiss.

Dimitri didn't release Skyler, but did release the enthrallment so she woke to the turmoil roiling around her. Instantly, she was aware of what transpired.

"Stop it! What's wrong with everyone?" Skyler shouted. She rubbed her wrist as if it ached. "Can't any of you feel it? Alexandria? Francesca? Something is here with us, I can feel the surge of power. Dimitri, put me down now."

Alexandria suddenly pushed Aidan away from her, stumbled and caught herself, one hand pressed to her throbbing head. "Skyler's right. Something is here." She looked around her at the men with their grim, angry faces. "Can't any of you feel it? Francesca?"

Blood still trickled down one side of Alexandria's face as she picked her way through the branches to Francesca. Aidan stayed closed to her, keeping a wary eye on the others, his body posture more than protectively aggressive.

Mikhail crouched low to study the ground around them. He straightened slowly and held up a hand for silence.

The snow continued to fall, soft floating flakes blanketing them. Small rodents rustled leaves along the ground in an effort to find a hiding place.

There was no wind, yet the branches of the trees around them swayed subtly. Gabriel immediately took up a position in front of the women, Aidan on the other side to cage them in. Dimitri handed Skyler to Francesca as if giving her a peace offering.

Francesca lowered Skyler to the ground, holding her close to comfort her. "I feel it too, Gabriel, a subtle power disrupting the natural flow of nature around us."

"The one thing I consistently have nightmares about is the shadow of an arm with long sharp talons reaching for me," Alexandria whispered. "I saw it on the ground, reaching for Skyler."

Dimitri crouched lower in reaction, his eyes flickering with flames. A soft warning growl escaped.

Alexandria shook her head. "It had to be an illusion. What I feared most. I feel the power feeding us, enhancing our fears, our emotions. Gabriel is angry, so is Dimitri, and the energy is feeding that anger."

Francesca nodded, taking a wary look around her. "I can feel it too. It's very subtle. I can't trace it backward. Can you, Alexandria?"

Alexandria shook her head in frustration.

"I feel it now too," Gabriel said, "through Francesca. I will recognize it again if I come across it."

"Could it be one of the children practicing?" Mikhail asked. "We used to make all sorts of mistakes all the time and accidents happened. Although if it is Josef, I intend to box his ears."

There was a small silence. Skyler took a deep breath and clutched Francesca tighter, all the while rubbing her wrist along her thigh. "They're blocking Carpathian blood. It's hard because I carry the blood, but I'm not fully Carpathian. The flow is coming from the direction of the inn and..." She broke off, color stealing into her face. "I'm sorry. They caught me and stopped. I should have been more careful. It was no child. I've been doing this all my life and I can tell you whoever it was is very adept, but I couldn't tell if it was male or female."

"Can you usually tell the difference?" Aidan asked.

Skyler nodded. "The touch is different, but this was too subtle-peculiar." She frowned. "Maybe more than one person."

"Why do you say that?" Mikhail asked.

She shrugged. "Parts of the weave felt different to me, as if more than one hand had woven it or as if the person was split into more than one personality. I'm sorry, I tipped them off and didn't get enough information, but whoever it was is a powerful psychic and they touched me." She glanced at Gabriel. "They knew I was there."

Gabriel spat a Carpathian curse beneath his breath. "We know our enemies have joined, mage as well as vampire. And the society dedicated to kill all vampires has spread worldwide."

"And they can identify you?" Dimitri demanded of Skyler.

She remained silent for a long moment, but the ice-blue eyes burned into her, forcing an answer. "Yes." She backed away from him, her small body trembling. One hand came up to defend herself, and the scars of a lifetime of torture were plain to see, both physical and mental.

Dimitri's face hardened into a mask. Only his eyes were alive, glittering with such intensity Skyler had to look away. "Do not do that," he said. "There is no reason to fear me. We have enemies

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