Dark Celebration Page 0,100

with Gabrielle, Joie hastily added, clearly embarrassed.

Mikhail sighed. Forgive me. I should have known you would be with your sister. It wouldn't be easy for Gabrielle to rise and know she needed blood to survive. Newly converted Carpathians always seemed to have difficulty with the concept. He could never understand the big deal. Carpathians weren't flesh eaters like humans and they didn't kill like the vampire, yet they were reviled for their need of blood.

"I won't have my daughter regulated to the status of a-a-concubine. I won't allow it. I know you're married, so don't bother to deny it. You don't even have a country that I can see."

Mikhail let his breath out and reached for the woman's mind, uncaring if it was impolite. He could make her forget all this nonsense and simply go into the kitchen.

Her mind collided with his, as if she were reaching for him at the exact same time. Thunder rolled. Lightning sizzled in the sky and the clouds roiled impressively. The two minds impacted, slamming against one another, hitting hastily erected barriers. Mrs. Sanders jumped to her feet, her face pale, both hands clutching her head in pain.

Puzzled, Mikhail rose as well. He bowed slightly. "Forgive me, Mrs. Sanders." It took a moment to recognize the unfamiliar brain patterns. It was no wonder her children were so gifted and such phenomenal psychics-all three of them. "You have the undiluted blood of the jaguar."

"And you are Carpathian." She looked around the house, took a deep breath, closing her eyes for a moment. "Of course. That explains a lot. Traian is Carpathian, isn't he?"

Mikhail felt the flicker of another's presence. Her husband stood silently in the doorway, his mind trying to assimilate what was being said. It was obvious that Mrs. Sanders was capable of telepathic communication. Her psychic abilities were very strong, and she had called her husband to her in her distress. Mikhail continued the conversation as if there were only the two of them present. "It is essential for Carpathians to pass as humans at all times."

She sank into a chair. "I have never heard that a human can become Carpathian, but Joie is, isn't she? That's why she looks different-a subtle difference, but it is there. And you really were going to make the costumes out of thin air."

To Mikhail's alarm, she looked as if she might cry. "I am very sorry, Mrs. Sanders. You can understand why Traian couldn't simply give you this information. It is necessary to protect our species at all times." He studied her averted face. "You haven't revealed your

lineage to your children. They have no idea, do they?"

She shook her head. "I didn't want them to know. I was afraid for them. My husband knows, but he's very protective of me. When I need to let the cat out, he goes with me and I run in the hills. He stands by to make certain no accidents happen."

"Can any of them shapeshift?"

She shook her head. "I never taught them. I've seen them all grow restless and moody at times, but I didn't want them to carry that burden. I don't know if I did the right thing or not. But having a son and trying to raise him right is a big responsibility when he is jaguar. His instincts..."

"Jubal is a fine man. He's very protective of his sisters." Mikhail reached out a hand and touched her.

Immediately she calmed, blinking the tears back, regaining the control she thought lost. "Jaguar males are very dangerous."

"I am centuries old, Mrs. Sanders. I will admit I did not have a lot of contact with your species as we resided in separate parts of the world, but I remember many of the males were wonderful people. Need and fear often cause people to do things they would not ordinarily do. Jubal was born a good man, and will remain so throughout his lifetime. Should he be forced into extreme circumstances, I believe he will rise to the occasion with his mind and strength and the gifts given to him, not fall back on primitive means."

She took a deep breath. "Thank you for that. It's my worst fear."

He had glimpsed that small piece of information clearly, as it had been in the forefront of her mind before she had slammed the barrier down. "You have remarkable children, Mrs. Sanders. Joie is a treasure we all seek to protect. Jubal has been helping with vital research -as has Gabrielle."

"Gabrielle met a young man,

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