Dark Carousel (Dark #30) - Christine Feehan Page 0,61

the carousel to be authentic—one of the first ones ever made. Horses or men turned the carousel while the young nobles practiced thrusting their spears through the rings in preparation for tournaments. Then masters of sword and spear taught young men to battle using the carousel for similar practices. Later, it was rumored, the wives and children found fun on the carousel and that was how it slowly evolved into the modern-day carousel. She might even find out if that was the truth, just by touching the carvings.

Charlotte could barely contain her excitement. The “curse” of an illness sounded so like that surrounding the Egyptian pyramids that she was filled with curiosity and knew she could probably get answers about what illnesses the previous owners actually died of. Which would only add to the mystique of this ancient carousel.

“I don’t want you to touch anything until I’ve had a chance to do it myself,” Tariq decreed in a voice that said he meant business.

She frowned and rubbed at her temple, where an ache had begun that fast. “Did you just try to use a compulsion on me?” She couldn’t keep the note of accusation out of her voice as she pushed down hard on the throbbing pulse point.

“If I did, it was inadvertent. And I probably did. I’m used to using a little compulsion on the children to keep them out of danger. It’s also a tool I use with Liv to keep her nightmares at bay. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work on Emeline. I cannot help her no matter what I try.”

It was his voice that saved him. The genuine regret that he couldn’t help Emeline over her nightmares. She could almost forgive him. Almost.

“What happened to Emeline?”

“We don’t know exactly. She hasn’t really spoken since we took her back from Fridrick’s boss, Vadim. She went into the tunnels with Danny and Blaze to try to get the girls back. While she was down there, she was taken.”

She was silent a moment knowing he wasn’t giving her much information, but she didn’t want him to overload her. She had enough to worry about with Fridrick threatening Genevieve and Lourdes. She lifted her chin and met his vibrant blue eyes. Eyes a woman could get lost in. She’d gotten lost more than once, so she knew.

“Did you use compulsion on me last night?”

The blue eyes didn’t waver. Didn’t blink. She watched them change. That gentle, sweet look he had disappeared, replaced by one so predatory she took a step back and one hand went to her throat defensively.

“Last night was beautiful. Every single moment. Why would you want to pick it apart?” he countered.

He didn’t sound hurt or regretful. Nor did he sound guilty or innocent. He asked a question in a tone she couldn’t read.

“I acted out of character last night. You had to know I’ve never been with another man. I never let other men touch me. Not once. The thought of it was . . . abhorrent. Yet the moment you touched me, I responded.”


“What?” She blinked. His tone was once again readable—smug satisfaction.

“You detonated when I touched you. That belongs to me and to no other man. Me. After searching for you for so long, believe me, sielamet, I loved that. I loved that every time I reached for you, you didn’t hesitate. You made me feel extraordinary, and when I kissed you, after, you looked at me as if I were the only man in the world. I want to be that for you. The only man in your world.”

She had detonated when he touched her and she knew it would happen again. Every time. “I don’t want you to ever use any form of compulsion on me. Not. Ever.” She stated it firmly so there would be no mistake. She would do everything in her power to care for and please this man, but she had to know he would respect her boundaries and want to care for and please her as well.

“I have taken a vow to cherish you and place your happiness above my own. It is an irrevocable vow. Once said, the words cannot be undone.”

Wait. Wait. Wait. Her heart began to hammer too hard. Too loud. Too fast. He had said a lot of things to her in his language. It had been sexy. But it also had been uttered in a deep, firm, committing voice. What had he said? You are my lifemate. I claim you as my lifemate. I

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